Creating Space Between Us

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(A/N) I have a question for everyone. How much longer should I make this book? Do you want to see more drama or fluff, or should I end it shortly?


"Carlos!" I yelled, running down the hallway.
He was at his locker, grabbing his textbook for Forensic-Psych.
"Nini!" He yelled back.
I ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders lightly.
"Where's EJ?" I asked, a little out of breath.
He gently removed my hands from his shoulders.
"He should be at his locker," he told me.
I shook my head.
"He's not."
"Well then he's at class. Study hall with Ms. Turner."
I quickly hugged him.
"Thank you!!" I exclaimed and ran off towards Ms. Turner's class which of course had to be on the third floor of the school.
I was going to be late to my first class, but I didn't care. I needed answers, and EJ would be the one to answer them.
I finally reached her classroom, just as the bell rang.
I found EJ sitting at the front of the classroom, talking with his water polo friends.
"EJ!" I whisper yelled.
He turned around and had a puzzled look on his face.
I motioned for him to come out of the classroom.
He walked towards me and I walked a little bit away from the classroom so no one saw or heard us.
EJ followed.
"Uh, what's up, Nini?" He asked.
"Do you know what happened to Ricky about a week ago?" I asked. "Did he tell you anything?"
He scratched the back of his neck.
"," he said.
"EJ," I pleaded. "I need to know."
"He told me not to tell you!"
Ricky and EJ have actually been getting along lately. Especially after the musical ended, they have became really good friends and hung out a lot.
"Wait, what? What doesn't he want me to know?" I asked.
"Nini, I told you! I can't say any-"
"EJ," I whispered, walking close to him.
"You and I both know that I care about him very much. I just need to know what happened. Maybe I can help."
EJ stood awkwardly.
"He was in my house when I touched him on his stomach, I think, and he flinched. Is he hurt?"
"Okay, fine," EJ gave in. "He had a skateboarding accident in Chicago. He told me that he broke one of his ribs when he fell."
I put a hand up to my mouth.
"He didn't want you to know, Nini. There's nothing you could have done to help."
I looked behind me, almost hoping that Ricky was there.
"Thank you," I told him, and turned to walk away to my first period class.
"You didn't hear it from me!" EJ called.
I got about halfway down the hallway when I took my phone out and texted Ricky.

hey, ricky.  i was wondering if
i could see you today!

You just want to see me?

yeah! my parents are going on a
date night tonight, so i thought
we could hang out:))

Well, okay! See you after school <3


"Hey," Ricky said, as I opened my door.
"Hey," I said back, hugging him.
I closed my door.
"So, you just wanted to see me?" He asked, a little nervous.
"Uh...yeah," I said. "Do you want to go to my room?"
"Yeah," He smiled.
I walked up to my room, him following.
Once we got inside my room, Ricky flopped on my bed.
"So, are we gonna watch a movie, or did you want to go somewhere?" he asked.
"Can't I just see my boyfriend after a long day?" I smiled, opening my arms.
He climbed off the bed, and embraced me.
I normally wouldn't play a dirty game like this, but I was a little upset he didn't tell me about this.
I tightened the hug.
I felt him tense up a bit.
He tried to gently pull away, but I hugged him even tighter.
"Ah," he winced.
I backed away and stared at him.


Yeah, she probably knew.
It took a lot from me to not put my hand up to where I had my injury a week ago to try and make the pain go away.
She hugged me so tight, that it really did hurt.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.
I looked at her nervously, trying hard not to look like I was hiding something.
"Tell you what?" I asked.
Her face dropped and she started to look really sad.
"You know what," she replied.
I shook my head gently.
"No, Nini. I don't."
She walked close to me. So close, that our faces were just inches apart.
"Let me see," she said.
"What do you want to see?"
She quickly moved her hand towards the hem of my sweatshirt and began to pull it up, right before I jerked away.
Thankfully, I don't think she saw anything.
"What the hell is going on?" Nini asked, backing away, and I swear I saw tears brimming her eyes.
"Nothing," I reassured. "Nothing."
"Don't..." she choked. "Don't lie to me."
She moved close to me again.
I couldn't lie to her. Not again.
But I didn't want her to know. I had my reasons, too!
"I can't tell you!" I raised my voice.
"Why not?" She asked back. "Does it have something to do with Anna?"
"Anna has nothing to do with this, Nini!" I yelled.
"Then why are you keeping this a secret?!"
I swallowed.
"I'm your girlfriend, Ricky!"
"I know you are! Which is exactly why I don't want to talk about it!"
"How do you even know that something happened to me?" I asked her.
"I don't know!" She exclaimed. "I touched you yesterday on your stomach and you winced like you were hurt! So naturally, I found out more information to see if I could help you!"
"I don't need any help! I'm fine!"
Nini looked like she was getting really frustrated with me.
"Why are you being so distant with me?!" She yelled.
"When have I ever been distant with you? I tell you everything!"
"Wow, Ricky!" She exclaimed sarcastically. "You're right! That's why I know exactly what happened to you! Because I have a sweet, honest, non secretive, loving boyfriend who would-"
I cut her off by whipping my sweatshirt off, and tossing it across the room, getting really annoyed with her.  


I have no words.
As soon as he started to quickly pull off his dark green sweatshirt, I went silent.
He stood there, looking really annoyed with me.
I don't blame him honestly.
I stared at his stomach which had a huge purple bruise on the side.
There was also Kinesiology Therapeutic tape lined along the right side of his rib cage.
I knew what happened, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.
On a normal occasion, his abs would have been distracting, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the big bruise and the many layers of KT Tape.
"Well?" Ricky said, extending his arms out to the side. "Is it everything you've dreamed of?"
I walked towards him and reached out to touch the bruise.
He winced and let out a small noise of discomfort.
"It hurts that bad?" I whispered.
He nodded.
"Ricky, I'm so sorry," I said, looking up at him.
He looked away from me.
I sighed.
I've been an awful girlfriend.
"I just wanted to know," I told him.
He stayed silent.
I wanted to speak to him again. Tell him how much I cared about him and that I didn't mean to push him to his breaking point.
But I didn't.
And neither did he.

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