We've Been Together Hand In Hand Through It All

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"So what are your plans for your birthday, Miss Birthday Girl?" Kourtney asked excitingly as we walked into school.
"Uh, just the party tonight at my house. I didn't invite many people. Just my close friends," I replied to her.
"Well, I'm really excited. Thank you for the invite!"
"Of course, Kourt," I replied.
"Well, I'll see you after school. Have a good day!" She waved as she turned down the hallway to go to her locker.
I walked down the hallway, wondering where Ricky was. He told me he was going to meet me at my locker, but I didn't see him.
And that's when I saw my locker.
I smiled widely as I walked up to it and admired the photos and decorations.
"Oh my g-"
Then I felt someone crash into me behind me, putting their arms around my shoulders.
"Happy birthday, Nini!"
I turned around and Ricky was standing there with a birthday cone hat on his head and his phone in his hand, probably recording.
"Ricky!!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him.
"You did all this?"
"It was my idea, but I had a little help," he said, both of us pulling away.
"It's beautiful!"
Ricky still held his phone in his hand, but he reached into his pocket.
"And these are for you," he smiled. "Well, one of them is."
He held up two strips of paper and handed them to me.
I looked down and quickly skimmed the print.
"You're joking," I said, looking up at him.
He was grinning from ear to ear.
"We're going to an Ariana concert?!" I exclaimed.
He nodded his head and we embraced again. I heard him shut his phone off.
Then he pulled away, putting his hands on my shoulders.
"Happy birthday," he said again.
He leaned down and we shared a kiss.
Yes. In school. In front of a large number of kids.
Although, they didn't seem to mind.


You could say I was the best boyfriend ever.
Go on, say it.
It was 6:30 at night. Nini's party started in a half hour.
I dressed in a white t-shirt with a dark red zipper jacket and jeans. Nini told me that her party wasn't formal at all, so it worked out perfectly because I didn't really own any formal clothes.
I slipped on white high top converse and went downstairs.
My dad still wasn't home from work.
Ever since he was promoted, he had to work extra hours on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a small bouquet of flowers that I put in a glass vase for Nini. I also grabbed her birthday card and my keys and walked outside to my car.
Once I arrived to her house, it was exactly 7:00 but there was already a lot of people here.
I walked up to her doorstep and rang the doorbell.
"Ricky, so glad you made it," Carol said, motioning for me to come inside.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Are those for Nini?" She asked me, looking at the flowers and the card.
"Uh, yes. Should I put them somewhere?" I asked.
"In my bedroom, we have all of Nini's presents that people brought over, but I can put the flowers in the fridge," she told me.
I smiled and handed the vase to her.
"I can take the card, too," she smiled.
I gave her the card and went to the living room where everyone was hanging out.
There was no one here that I didn't know.
There was Gina, EJ, Carlos, Big Red, Seb, Ashlyn, and Kourtney.
"Hey guys," I said, walking in.
"Ricky!" They all exclaimed.
It looked like Gina and Kourtney were playing Just Dance on the TV while everyone watched and chatted, eating chips and a fruit/veggie platter.
Nini came up to me and gave me a big hug.
"Hey, you," she said.
I smiled at her.
"You wanna play Just Dance next? EJ is looking for a dance partner," she said, grinning.
"It's true," EJ said.
"Nobody here thinks they can beat me."
"Okay, that's not true," Carlos cut in.
"I would be a back up dancer for Broadway already if I wasn't stuck here in Salt Lake City."
We all laughed.
"It's okay, Carlos. You'll get there some day," Ashlyn stated.


This party was absolutely amazing. Probably my best so far.
For a good 2 hours, we all took turns playing Just Dance, which everyone enjoyed a lot, to my surprise.
My moms brought out cake, ice cream cake of course, and we all had some.
We sat in a circle on the floor eating our cake.
"Has anyone heard from Miss Jenn if there's going to be a spring musical?" Seb asked everyone.
"I'm not sure," Ricky replied.
"Yeah, I don't know," Gina said. "It's April. Don't you think it's getting kind of late to start a musical?"
"But why wouldn't we do one?" Kourtney asked.
"Maybe we don't have enough of a budget?" EJ guessed.
"I don't think that's it," I said back.
To be honest, I actually had no idea why Miss Jenn never brought up the spring musical. She said something about it at the end of the ending scene to High School Musical: The Musical, but nothing after that.
The rest of the night was spent playing games like Cards Against Humanity and What Do You Meme?
It was Ricky's turn to pick up a meme card.
Right as he was about to pick one up from the pile, his phone rang.
He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at who was calling.
"Excuse me, guys," he said and stood up and went to the bathroom.


My phone rang just as I was about to play my turn.
I took it out and saw that my mom was calling.
She hasn't called all week.
"Excuse me, guys," I said politely and got up.
I went to the bathroom and shut the door so no one could see or hear me.
I answered it and held it up to my ear.
"Hey, mom," I said.
"Hi, Ricky."
"Um, what's up?" I asked, getting a little nervous at her quiet tone.
"Ricky, there's no better way to say this so I'm just going to be one hundred percent straight forward with you."
"Ricky, you're moving to Chicago with me."
I inhaled sharply.
"Uh...um, wait. Hold on a second. What? Why....why would you want me to-"
"I've been talking with your father. You know that he's been promoted in his job, right?"
"Y-yeah," I said, feeling my throat get really tight.
"He feels bad that he's not home as much anymore. And both of us feel that you could benefit from life outside of Utah."
"Benefit??" I exclaimed.
"Ricky, Illinois is a beautiful state and your dad and I looked up the high school here in Chicago. It's an amazing school, and I think you'll love it-"
"Mom, I'm not moving. I like where I am. Here. With dad," I said, trying with every fiber of my being not to cry.
"This isn't up for negotiation. You're leaving on Monday."
"Mom, you can't...you can't do this to me!" I said, this time, feeling the sting of salty tears forming in my eyes.
"It's for the best. You'll get to visit Todd and I more often. We'll be like a happy family again."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now.
"Ricky, your plane flight is already paid for. I'll see you on Monday, okay?"
I gripped my phone tightly, trying to suppress some anger.
"I love you," she said, then hung up.
My right arm, which was holding my phone up against my face was shaking slightly from gripping my phone so hard.
Then I brought my phone away from my face, sat down on the toilet, and put my head in my hands.
I didn't even mean to do it, but I let out a quiet cry.

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