When I Was Young And Naive

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It didn't take long.
I didn't know if it was the cold water that absorbed into his brain and made him malfunction or he was just really sleepy, but Ricky was asleep in less than three minutes.
I on the other hand had no desire to sleep. First of all, I was cold as hell.
I appreciate Ricky setting up this date, but he couldn't have waited until July?
Even Ricky couldn't keep me from shivering.
And second of all, clouds were starting to hover over the sky like a grey blanket.
The thought of a blanket made me shiver even more.
I turned over to face Ricky sleeping peacefully. I couldn't help but smile.
I reached my hand up and rested it on the side of his face and rubbed my thumb across his cheek.
"Ricky," I whispered.
He didn't wake up.
"Ricky," I said again, rubbing his arm.
His eyes fluttered opened and he smiled.
"Hey," he whispered.
"Hey," I said back, smiling.
"I...I'm sorry I fell asleep. I seriously didn't mean to-"
"Don't be. It's okay," I told him.
I took my hand off his arm.
We stared at each other for a couple of moments until he said, "oh my god, you're freezing."
I laughed quietly. "Just a little bit."
"Here," he said, reaching for his backpack and pulling out a dark yellow sweatshirt. "I'm sorry, I know it got really cold. I probably should have planned this in the summer and-"
"Ricky," I stopped him, taking the sweatshirt.
"It's perfect. I love it."
As I put on the sweatshirt I looked out at the lake and the sun was almost completely below the horizon.
The clouds were suddenly getting darker.
"Did you want to head back? It's only 7:30 so we can't stop somewhere if you'd like," Ricky offered. "Or we could go back to my house. My dad wouldn't mind."
"Uh, sure, yeah. We can do whatever-"
A loud noise erupted from the clouds.
It was startling, so my hand shot towards Ricky's arm.
"It's okay," he reassured. "Just thunder. There must be a storm coming. We better get back home."
I took my hand off his arm, a little embarrassed.
Then there was another boom of thunder.
And that's when the rain started to pour.
Ricky and I stood up quickly and I began to gather up the blanket while Ricky packed up his backpack quickly.
It was getting really hard to see, but I grabbed my phone, shoved it in my pocket and slipped on my shoes.
"Do we have everything?" I yelled over the rain and thunder.
That's when a huge clap of lighting struck across the sky, lighting up the water.
"Let's go!" Ricky yelled.
We both ran up to his car, carrying everything. His car of course, was parked in the parking lot which was a good 300 feet from where we had all our stuff on the beach.
Once we reached his car, Ricky dropped all his stuff by the drivers side of the car.
"Where's my keys?" He asked.
He frantically searched in his backpack but couldn't find them.
"Are they still on the sand?" I yelled over the rain.
Another clap of lighting and a roar of thunder.


You're worthless. Should have checked the weather again, Ricky.
Note to self, never take a girl to the lake in the middle of March.
Number one, she'll be freezing but won't admit it.
And number two, a massive storm will ruin everything because that's just your luck.
I dropped my stuff and ran back to where we set up, trying to find my keys to my car.
Eventually I found them, half hidden in the sand. I grabbed them and ran back up to Nini, shoving the metal part into my car door.
I opened my door and pushed the button on the side to unlock all of the doors so Nini could get in.
We both hurried inside and slammed the doors closed.
I took a huge breath and leaned my head back.
"We're safe in here," I told Nini.
"No, not really!" She said. "Come on, we need to go home."
I put my keys in the ignition and turned it, starting the car and turning on the headlights.
I pulled out of my parking spot, but it was really hard to see since it was raining so hard.
Then a huge clap of lightning appeared directly overhead and hit a tree about twenty feet away from us.
Nini screamed.
The tree made a loud splitting noise and it fell sideways, blocking the way out of the parking lot.
Of course.
"Ricky, what do we do?!" Nini exclaimed.
Quite honestly, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get my car out of the parking lot because of the tree and it's not like Nini and I could walk home.
It was way too far, and our probability of getting struck by lighting was high.
I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone.
I dialed my dads number.
"Ricky?" He said, sounding worried. "Where are you?"
"Dad! Nini and I are in the parking lot to the lake. We can't get out because a tree fell down at the entrance. Do you think you could pick us up?"
"Ricky, Great Salt Lake is an hour away!" My dad said.
I looked over at Nini and she looked very nervous.
"Dad, we have no other choice! We need you!"
"Alright. Hang tight. Turn off your car and get to the trunk of the car. That's where it's safest. I'll be there as soon as possible."
"Be careful," I told him and hung up.
"My dads coming, but we need to get to the back of the car. It'll be fast. Are you ready?" I told Nini.
She nodded.
We both quickly opened our doors, slammed them shut and ran to the back of my car where I opened up the door.
I let Nini go first, and then I got in, shutting it behind us.
Seeing Nini in my sweatpants and sweatshirt would have been super cute if we weren't in the middle of a storm in the back of my car.
"Is your dad coming now?" She asked, but I could sense a lot of panic in her voice, even if she was trying to cover it up.
"He said he'll be here as soon as possible," I reassured her.
I know that didn't help her because she was still breathing a little bit faster than normal.
"It's gonna be okay. We're safe," I told her.
A loud boom of thunder followed a bright lightning strike and Nini winced.
I leaned up against the window and stretched my legs out.
"Come here," I told her, extending my arms.
She crawled towards me, laying down in between my legs, her head on my stomach, fitting perfectly.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged them.
"We're fine," I told her, gently playing with her hair.


I hated thunderstorms and Ricky knew that.
The fact that I was out in the open in the middle of one inside of my boyfriends car made my head spin and I got really anxious.
Thankfully Ricky was here with me and I laid down in between his legs, my head resting on his stomach while he kept telling me it was okay, playing with my wet hair.
"We're fine," he said.
I don't know why I said this but I knew that I meant it and I needed him to know it too.
"I love you," I whispered.
Saying 'I love you' was a big deal to us.
Well obviously, if you remember what happened last time I told him this.
I closed my eyes, wondering what his facial expressions were and what he was thinking.
I didn't regret saying it, but I wondered if it was too soon.
"I love you too," he whispered back.

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