You Were Always There Beside Me

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Tonight was the most fun I've had in a long time.
After gaining the confidence to display my body in a bikini to my friends and Ricky, we all jumped off of the jetty, swimming around in the ocean, our bodies bobbing up and down with the small waves that came rolling in towards the shore.
There was absolutely no drama, no arguing, no passionate couple moments. We were just seven high school friends swimming in the ocean on spring break vacation.
That is, until EJ started to have trouble breathing.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked him as we all continued to swim.
He was still attempting to gasp for air.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him.
He claimed he was fine, but we all took him back up to the sand where he threw up a massive amount of water.
"Jeez buddy," Carlos said. "If you were thirsty, you could have just said something."
Ashlyn brought him some water that she brought from the hotel and he seemed to be fine afterwards but it kind of ruined the tone of our perfect night.
The majority vote was that we would all go back to the hotel and meet up again in the morning for breakfast, which I was fine with.
Once we packed up our stuff, we were headed off the beach when EJ stumbled, but caught himself.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Ricky asked him with concern.
"I'm fine," he reassured, although it made me and probably the rest of us skeptical.
It took no less than fifteen minutes to return to the hotel where we said our 'goodnight's and separated into our rooms.
I made sure EJ was going to be okay the rest of the night and talked to Big Red, making him promise me to look out for him.
"Goodnight," I had told EJ, who was about to go into his room.
"Night," he said back, monotone.
I noticed that his face was also paler than usual.
"Do you know what's up with EJ?" I asked Ricky as I set my towel down on my bed, seconds after entering our room.
"I don't know," he admitted, taking off his shoes.
I put away the towel and was just about to change into my sleep clothes when I realized Ricky was standing no less than ten feet away from me.
I had begun to take off the strap on my left shoulder when I caught myself and looked over at Ricky to see if he was looking.
Of course he was.
And he was smirking.
I pressed my lips together and put the strap back, walking passed him to go to the bathroom.
"Shut up," I whispered.
"I didn't say anything!" he exclaimed, and I shut the door behind me.


"It's only 10:20," I reminded Nini, laying on my bed. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?"
She had just come out of the bathroom and was changed into her night clothes: oversized t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Sure," she said, putting her bathing suit back into her drawer.
I grabbed the remote on the bedside table and turned on the tv.
I noticed Nini's movements were slow and tired, almost like she was sad.
"You okay?" I asked her.
She turned to face me. "I'm just a little worried about EJ, that's all."
"Why are you worried?" I asked.
She closed her drawer and walked over to where I was laying down on my bed.
She sat down on the edge.
"He's an athlete," she explained. "He shouldn't be this vulnerable."
"Nini, he just threw up," I told her.
"I feel like it's more than that. I almost have a feeling that I should take him to the doctor or something just so they can check him out," she said.
"He's gonna be okay," I reassured, smiling. "He's EJ Caswell. He's tougher than all of us combined."
She smiled. "Glad to see you two are getting along."
I shrugged. "He's alright."
She laughed and moved to lay down next to me.
I moved my arm around her, so she was more comfortable.
I searched through the menu guide, in high hopes of finding a movie, or at least a soap opera that Nini and I sometimes liked to watch to make fun of the terrible acting.
"Let me know when you see something you want to-"
I was cut off by Nini gasping and sitting up straight.
"What?" I asked startled.
"Highschoolmusicalhighschoolmusical..."she mumbled in excitement, pointing to the tv.
I looked over at the menu guide and she was right...High School Musical had just started.
"Yeah?" I smiled at her.
I loved watching her facial expressions and seeing how passionate she was about these movies.
This was one of the many things I loved about her.
I pressed play, and it took me straight to the movie, resuming where Vanessa Hudgens began singing.
Instead of returning to her original position next to me, Nini moved over so she was in between both of my legs, the back of her head resting on my chest.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and her hands naturally came up to rest on my forearms.
I bent down to kiss her on the top of her head.
For the rest of the night, we didn't speak.
Nini was completely immersed in the movie that she probably forgot that her super hot boyfriend was directly underneath her.
If I had to be totally honest, I didn't care.
I loved every moment I spent with her, even if we were just laying on a bed, silent, listening to Zac Efron bop to the top.

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