Don't Mess With The Flow

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~~WARNING: Long Chapter~~


After sharing that short, sweet kiss with Ricky, he seemed to be having a lot more fun.
That was our first kiss since the dressing room, and it felt different. I couldn't really compare the two, because they were both equally amazing. They were just different.
Ricky never went back for our drinks like he said he was going to, but I didn't care that much.
Instead we danced. A lot.
I always knew Ricky wasn't an amazing dancer, but he really impressed me tonight. He broke out some moves from High School Musical, and some other random dances he must have either planned the night before or made up right now.
Either way I thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world.
By the time it was 9:00, we decided to sit down and take a little break.
"I never got us our drinks," Ricky announced.
"I'll be right back," he smiled.
I looked back towards the parking lot where Rickys mom should have been. They weren't there anymore.
Then I remembered that he never responded to her text.
Ricky walked over holding two lemonades.
"Lemonade, my favorite," I smiled at him.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," he said and handed me mine and sat down.
"Um, Ricky," I started.
He turned his attention towards me.
"Did you your mom back?"
Ricky took a breath and looked out at the parking lot.


No, I did not text her back. I actually shut my phone off after she texted so I wouldn't be bothered by her anymore.
I looked back at Nini and she gave me a shy, half smile.
"Maybe you should."
I stared at my lemonade in front of me.
She was right.
I took my phone out and held down the power button on the side, turning my phone back on.
The white Apple symbol lit up on the screen.
Once it turned on, I immediately opened her text message.
"W-what should I say?" I asked Nini, not looking up at her.
She reached her hand up onto the table and held it in mine.
"I think you know exactly what to say, Ricky," she said in a soft voice.
I looked down at the screen and began to type.


As soon as ricky began typing his message, I wanted him to focus and be alone for a few minutes.
So I told him I was going to the bathroom and that I would be right back.
When I walked inside the bathroom, I took my phone out and noticed a message from Kourtney.

Kourt: so how is date night going?

I decided to text back with:

Me: it's going pretty well! I had to help Ricky through some family issue, but other then that, we're having a really good night!
Kourt: OOH girl, you are one LUCKY lady :)
Me: haha
Kourt: well I will talk with you soon, okay?
Me: okay. love you

I put my phone away and stepped out of the bathroom and back into the gymnasium to find Ricky.
When I got into the gym, it was oddly quiet. Then I noticed every person was dancing to a slow song.
I looked at our table and Ricky wasn't sitting in his seat.
Oh, not again.
I had to shuffle around couples awkwardly to go to our table, and I found our drinks were still here.
But no Ricky.
Then I turned around and Ricky was about 10 feet away, and oddly enough, nobody was blocking my view of him. It was if they all separated so all of the attention was on us, like in movies. He walked up to me, and I did the same.
I was going to ask him how the texting went, but he held out his hand to dance with me. I gladly took it and he pulled me close to him.
I put my arms around the back of his neck and he put his on my waist and we swayed to the song.
Then I leaned my head on his chest and he rubbed my back.
"My mom left," he whispered. "With Todd."
"I know," I whispered back.
"She won't be in town for another week," he said.
I closed my eyes. I couldn't imagine what he was going through.
"She just wanted to say goodbye, then?" I whispered.
"I guess so," he said, his voice breaking a little bit. I didn't move my head to look at him because I knew that if I did, I wouldn't keep it together.
"I-" I started.
I didn't want to say 'I'm sorry' again. He's heard it too much and it wouldn't change anything.
Instead, I changed my position so I was hugging him, and he hugged back.
He let out a heavy breath and I hugged him a little tighter.
"Hey," I said, finally getting the courage to look him in the eyes.
"Let's get out of here. We'll go somewhere to get some food or something, okay?"
Ricky nodded and managed a smile.


Since Nini didn't have her drivers license yet, I had to drive. But then she told me that whoever drives gets to pick where they were going to eat. She said it was a rule.
So I picked a small little cafe in the heart of Salt Lake City. It was the best in town and it was also our first date when we first started dating. Another perk was that Dana, Nini's mom worked there.
Once we arrived, we were seated by Dana.
"Aren't you both supposed to be at the Christmas dance?" She asked us.
"Yes," Nini said. "But we decided to come here for the last hour. It was getting a little boring anyways too."
"Well, alright! What can I get for you two?" She asked.
"I'll just have a caramel latte," Nini said.
"Hot chocolate, please," I told her.
"Alright, I'll be right back," Dana smiled and walked behind the counter to get our drinks prepared.
"Hey, listen," Nini said.
She grabbed my hand across the table.
"My moms said that any time you want to stay over for the night, you can. As long as it's okay with your dad."
I squeezed her hand gently.
I had never really thought about staying over when we were technically a 'couple.'
Sure, I've been over her house plenty of times, but I had never slept over. It might not be such a terrible idea.
"Yeah," I smiled.
Then Dana cane around with our hot drinks.
"Thanks," we said in unison.
Nini and I took a sip and she glanced out the window and gasped, almost spilling her latte.
"What? What is it?" I exclaimed and looked out the window.
"Snow," she said.
Snow was very common in Utah, but for some reason, it never snowed around Christmas. But today, December 23rd, it was snowing.
"Come on," I grinned.
I reached out and took her hand and we ran outside onto the sidewalk, staring wondrously up at the snow, and the white Christmas lights around the small shops and cafes.
I stepped back, still holding her hand, and twirled her, which made her dress spin around in the snow.
I couldn't stop smiling at her. She was gorgeous as the snow slowly fell and landed in her brown hair.
Then I brought her close.
"I can't go another day without us not being known to the world as Ricky and Nini. It's time we make this official," I said, grinning widely.
Nini smiled with tears brimming her eyes.
"Nini Salazar-Roberts," I said.
"Will you be the Gabriella to my Troy?"
She laughed, holding back a few tears.
"Yes," she smiled.
Then we crashed into one another, kissing under the falling snow, no longer feeling that empty space that we have felt for so long.
It was the most beautiful thing that I have ever experienced. And I wouldn't want to experience it with anybody else in the entire world.

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