But Then You Went And Changed The Words

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"So, Rick," Todd started.
Both of us were at the dinner table, per usual. Mom wouldn't be home for another hour. She's never home for dinner.
I think we all ate dinner as a "family" once since I've been here.
"Yeah?" I asked, playing with my food, not eating it.
"Um, how are things?"
I looked up at him.
"How are things?" I repeated.
"Yeah. Like, uh...what's new?"
"Well," I started. "I got kissed by a girl yesterday."
Todd clapped. "Way to go, bud!"
I dropped my fork.
"What? No! I'm with Nini! Have you forgotten that?"
Todd looked a little embarrassed.
"Yeah. Yeah, sorry Ricky. I-"
"It's fine," I interrupted, picking up my fork again.
We sat in silence for a little bit.
"You miss her don't you?" Todd asked.
I tried not to look at him.
"More than anything."
"Tell me about her," Todd said, putting his fork down, and pushing his plate away from him.
I looked up at him.
"Go on. Tell me," he said.
I took a breath.
"Well, she has two moms. That's how she gets her last name; Salazar-Roberts," I began.
Todd was a really good listener. I appreciated that.
"She has brown eyes. The prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen."
"Prettier than yours?" Todd teased.
"Yes," I quietly laughed.
"And she has long, brown hair. Her signature hair style is a low ponytail, although at night she wears it in a bun. Her favorite color is orange. She hates jello, but she loves my dads lasagne. She writes songs, some of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. She has a grandmother and she calls her Lola, which I think is really unique."
Todd smiled as I talked.
"When we were first together, she told me she loved me after almost a year of dating and I messed up. Badly. I didn't say it back, and suggested that we take a pause, but that only lead into a breakup two months later. Ever since we got back together, I've been really scared of losing her again. I've messed up once and I can't do it again. I care about her too much."
Todd and I sat in silence for a few moments.
"It seems like you really love her," he said.
"I do. And I can't believe it took me a year and a half of dating to say it to her," I replied.
"Have you been calling her recently?" He asked.
"Every night."
"Does she seem to mind the distance?"
"To be honest, I don't know how long we both can put up with it. It's so hard and every time I call her, I get so incredibly sad that I can't just skateboard over to her house."


"I'll call you when I get off?" I told her.
"Of course. Call me anytime," Nini replied.
We were at the airport, my flight getting ready to take off in twenty minutes.
She put her hands on the side of my face.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" She asked, sensing my worry about flying.
God, I hate airplanes.
"Yeah," I reassured, all though I knew for sure I wasn't going to be the same after today.
"It's gonna be okay. We'll be okay," she said and reached up to kiss me.

••End of flashback••

"Ricky, I know you miss her. And I know that she's not the only person you miss back in Utah," Todd guessed.
"Yeah, you're not wrong," I admitted.
"I miss my friends too. And my dad. I actually miss my dad as much as I miss Nini. He was my best friend. But there's nothing I can do about it."
I stood up and brought my plate and silverware to the kitchen sink and placed everything inside the sink to be washed.
Then I said goodnight to Todd and went to my room.

I logged onto my laptop and finished the US History project. I told Anna I would prefer to work alone. I felt that "I needed to do this on my own to acquire a personal achievement."
Stupidest excuse, I know.
I submitted the project through my laptop.
Then I heard a knock at my door.
I turned around and Todd came in.
"Hey, buddy."
"Hey," I said, a little confused on why he all of the sudden came into my room without a warning.
Todd sat down on my bed while I remained on my chair by my desk.
"I...um. I didn't know if I'd ever need to give you this..." he said, stammering a little bit.
"Give me what?" I asked.
He reached into his shirts front pocket and handed me a folded piece of paper.
I looked at him and then down at the piece of paper.
I opened it up and bit my lip.
I looked up at him.
"You need to go back. You don't belong here."
I looked back down at the plane ticket to Salt Lake City.
"But...mom..." I said, still a little in shock.
"She'll be okay," Todd reassured. "I'll talk to her."
I smiled at the ticket and got up to hug Todd.
"You don't realize how much this means to me," I told him.
We both stood up.
"I'll see you on your birthday, okay? July 21st," he told me.
I hugged him again, grabbed my school backpack, and packed up the essentials.
Sweatshirt, extra shoes, phone charger, and some stuff I brought from Salt Lake City that I'm bringing back.
Then I grabbed my phone, saying one final goodbye to Todd and raced out the door, grabbing my skateboard on the way out.
I ran down the front steps just as my mom pulled into the driveway.
It was dark out and her headlights cut beams of yellow light through the darkness.
"Ricky?" my mom asked as she got out.
I walked up to her, awkwardly.
"Where are you going? It's a school night," she said.
"I can't...be here," I told her.
"I don't belong here. With you...or with Todd."
"Ricky I don't understand," she said back.
"I'm going home, mom. Todd bought me a plane ticket."
"He did?" She asked, looking up at the house.
I nodded.
"He and I talked about Nini. And about dad. Mom, for once can you put yourself in my shoes? You're never home. The whole reason you flew me up here was to spend more time with me, but I rarely get to see you."
She shifted from one foot to the other.
"I just thought you'd like to be apart of a family that doesn't fight all the time. And I missed you," she admitted.
"I missed you too," I told her. "But my home is back in Utah."
My mom looked like she might cry.
We both hugged.
"I love you," she told me, still hugging.
"I love you, too," I said back.
Then we pulled away and I gave her one last smile and put my skateboard on the ground.
I looked back at the house and saw Todd standing in my bedroom window.
Thank you, I mouthed.
He smiled.
Then I hopped on my skateboard and rode to the bus station at the end of the road.
I was finally going home.

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