There's So Much Left Unspoken

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~~WARNING: Long Chapter~~

December 24th. Christmas Eve.
And I'm in my bed, sick.
Of course! Of course I had to get sick the day before Christmas.
I absolutely loved Christmas more than anything in the world, and even though it was just a cold, and I'm pretty sure I would be fine by tomorrow, I would have to skip out on tradition this year.
My moms would take me to the mall on Christmas Eve, no matter how crowded it was, and I would pick out an outfit to wear the next day at our Christmas dinner with both of my grandparents.
It was 4:00 in the afternoon, and I haven't moved out of bed since I woke up at 11:00.
I told both of my moms that I would be fine alone if they wanted to go to the mall without me.
They told me that I could invite Ricky up if I wanted for company and I immediately called him after.
He said he would be here at 4:15 with some movies.
My moms left about 5 minutes ago and they wouldn't be back anytime soon. Our tradition usually consists of three hours at the mall, and then dinner and a movie, which they both planned on doing without me, so Ricky and I would have a lot of time to ourselves.


Yes. My girlfriend is sick.
When she called me, she sounded fine but I know that Nini would never skip out on her family's tradition, so I figured that she must not be feeling great.
I pulled into her driveway, parked the car in their garage (boyfriend privilege), and gathered the movies I brought and some blankets from my house that Nini says "smell like me."
Once I was inside, I knew Nini would be in her room so I went upstairs and knocked on her door.
"Hey," I called. "It's me."
I opened her door and there she was laying almost completely under her covers, turned on her side, on her phone.
"Hey," she said, not looking at me. Her voice sounded a little worse than it did on the phone.
I closed her door and walked over to put the blankets and movies on her hanging chair.
"So how are you feeling?" I asked.
Stupid question.
She shut her phone off as I sat down on edge of the bed, next to her.
"I guess a little bit better. I'm pretty bummed I didn't go tonight."
"I know. But you made the right decision by staying home," I told her.
"And hey, look," I said walking over to her hanging chair, grabbing the three movies I brought over.
"We have your three favorite movies. The Breakfast Club, The Maze Runner, and Spider-Man; Homecoming."
She let out a soft laugh.
"Thanks, Ricky."
"And, I'm not done yet. I have your favorite blanket from my house," I said, holding up the blue and grey Sherpa blanket. "You know, the one that I always have up in my closet next to my cologne cabinet."
She sat up and reached her hands out.
I smiled at tossed the blanket towards her.
"Which movie do you want to watch first?" She asked, straitening out my blanket.
"We will watch a movie, but I need you to tell me if you've eaten today," I said to her, sitting back down on the edge of the bed.
"Yes," she said. "I had some pasta for lunch."
"Okay," I smiled. "Now I need you to tell me the truth."
She sighed, but I knew she was smiling inside.
"I haven't eaten today."
I smiled at her and took her hand.
"Come on, lets go downstairs and I'll make you something.
"Ricky, I don't want out out of bed," she complained.
"Come on," I laughed, gently pulling her out of her covers.
"You need to eat, and walk around a bit. Don't tell me you got out of bed today, because I know you didn't," I smiled.
"You're right," she said as I walked down her stairs behind her.
She took a seat on a stool at her kitchen island and I went straight for her pantry where Carol, the one who cooks the most, puts her aprons.
I took a bright pink one out that said "shake that cake" on the front with cartoon flowers and slices of cake peppered on it.
"Hey, I go by Chef Ricky, now," I said, earning a small laugh from Nini.
"What are you making?" She asked.
"The chefs special," I replied, washing my hands.
"Which is?..."
"You'll see," I winked.
After about 10 minutes of preparing my meal for Nini and talking to her so she wouldn't get bored, I finally had two bowls of Kraft Mac and Cheese.
"Here you are, Madmoiselle," I said, handing her the bowl of elbow pasta and artificial cheese.
"Wow, Ricky. You're quite the chef," she said sarcastically.
I took off the apron, put it back in the pantry, and sat down next to her at the island.
"Thank you. You know, I'm trying out to be on the tv show, Master Chef. You think I stand a chance?" I smiled.
"Oh, you definitely do. One hundred percent," she replied taking a forkful of it.


Since it was December, it got dark at like 4:30 in the afternoon so it was already very dark inside the house, except for a few lights around the kitchen.
It felt weird not having Carol and Dana here, because at least one of them is always here, but I'm really glad that Ricky is here with me. It would have been a little creepy here by myself.
Ricky finished his Mac and cheese in less than three minutes, which was not impressive to me. I've seen him swallow a large bowl of soup in one gulp.
I only ate about half of my Mac and Cheese, but Ricky didn't mind.
"Hey, why don't you go upstairs into your room, pick out a movie, and I'll clean up down here, okay?"
"Ricky.." I said as he picked up my bowl.
"Thank you."
He smiled at me, like he always does.
As he was putting the dishes in the sink to be rinsed, I walked up to him and turned him so he faced me.
And then I stood up on my toes, putting my hands on his shoulders to kiss him, but he pulled away.
"Yeah," he said. "Um, I don't really want you tonight, if that's okay. You know..germs."
I went went back down on my feet.
"I'm just kidding, get in here," he smiled and leaned down to give a long-but not too long, sweet kiss. I couldn't help but smiling the whole time.
"I'll be up in a few minutes," he reassured.
I grinned widely.

Swept Off My Feet- Rini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now