That's Worth So Much More

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Okay, I can't be the only one thinking this:
Tuesday's are worse than Monday's.
I just have something against Tuesday's. I was walking down the hallway, on my way to Chemistry, when I saw Nini talking with EJ and one of his water polo team mates.
I walked up behind Nini quietly and put both my arms around her shoulders.
She was startled at first, but then smiled at me and put her hands on my arms, underneath her chin.
"Hey, Ricky," EJ said.
"What's up?" I replied.
"EJ thinks he can get me to join the girls water polo team," Nini said, quietly laughing.
"Hey," EJ said. "Alex and I just thought you should give it a try. Ricky has been saying that you want to join a sport."
Alex must have been the guy standing next to EJ.
"Yeah, but now that I've gotten to know her, I don't think she would you the best fit for this sport," Alex said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.
Nini squeezed my forearm. "It's okay. Drop it," she said.
I glared at Alex, hoping he would expand on what he said about Nini.


"I'm just saying, she doesn't look like the type of girl to join water polo," Alex said, earning a glare from both Ricky and EJ.
Oh no.
"Let's not talk like that in front of her," EJ said to Alex.
"EJ, come on, look at her," Alex said, staring at me.
It made me really uncomfortable so I pulled away from Ricky's arms and stood next to him, taking my hand in his.
"She's too short, too skinny, and has never played an actual sport. Why did you tell me she could be able to play?"
"Hey, watch it," Ricky said, slowly moving towards him but I gently pulled him back.
"Because the girls team needs new players, and I know Nini. She would be great," EJ replied, looking at Nini and then back at Alex.
"Yeah. Maybe if she grew a few inches, ate 3 meals a day and didn't dress like she was in a 70's sitcom, then maybe she'd have a chance at trying out," Alex said, adjusting his backpack which was slung on one shoulder.
"That's enough," Ricky said, stepping forwards. This time, I couldn't stop him.


I couldn't just stand here and listen to him talk about Nini this way.
I stepped towards him.
"Oh, and who's this?" He asked, facing me.
EJ stepped in and tried to back Alex up.
"Come on, man. Knock it off," EJ told him.
Alex bumped his hand away.
"Don't talk about Nini like that," I told him.
"What are you gonna do about it?" He taunted.
Listen, I never start fights.
I've actually only been in one fight, which I'm not afraid to admit I lost.
I wasn't the guy to get into fights. But when Nini is involved, all hell breaks loose.
"All I'm saying is, your girlfriend over there, shouldn't be on the team. She's not qualified, man. Sorry. You wanna know why?" Alex asked.
I gritted my teeth.
Quicker than I could comprehend, I raised my arm and punched him across the face.
"Ricky!" Nini called and tried to come closer to me but EJ stepped in and brought her away from Alex and I.
Alex staggered backwards but still held a smile on his face.
"Tough boy, huh?" He smiled.
A few people passing in the hallway slowed down to look at us, but we didn't have an audience yet.
I tried to hit him again, but he caught my arm and punched back at me, for which his fist connected with my lip.
"No!" Nini yelled. "Stop it! Both of you!"
I could tell from behind me that EJ was keeping Nini from running over to us.
I brought my hand up to my mouth and felt blood on my lip.
In absolutely no time, we were both in an intense fight.
Punches were thrown back and forth and no matter how many times I hit Alex, it was like he could go on forever.
Me on the other hand, felt like I might pass out.
I know for sure my lip was bleeding more and I had a massive headache from punches being thrown at my head.
We had a big audience now, since everyone showed up to watch.
Maybe it was Nini's yelling that made the scene and not the actual fight.
He punched me and he got me right in the eye, which I then fell backwards onto the floor.
"Ricky," Nini cried.
I hope EJ was still with her. I didn't really want her seeing this, but it was kind of hard not to watch when your boyfriend was getting beaten up.
Then Alex jumped on top of me, grabbing the top of my shirt in his fists.
"Next time you want to pick a fight, pick it with someone on your own level," he said, throwing another punch at my face.
That one hurt like a-
Another punch to the face.
I groaned. My head had a splitting headache and he was punching really hard.
"Alex, stop!" EJ yelled.
I couldn't put my hands up to protect my face since Alex was on top of me, and he was strong.
I felt my consciousness slipping away slowing.
I hoped that if I were to lose it, I better do it quickly.
I felt liquid trickle down my temples. Probably blood.
He swung his arm up and punched again. I groaned even louder.
That was the worst punch of all because it was right in the eye.
Everything seems to happen in slow motion and I couldn't hear anything.
Then I squint and see EJ coming in and pulling Alex off of me.
That's also when the principal shows up, yelling at everyone to clear out.
And that's when I see my beautiful girlfriend hovering above me, tears in her eyes as she takes my hand.
She's saying something but I still couldn't hear her.
I tried to move but it was as if there were weights in every part of my body and I physically couldn't get up.
I tired to apologize to Nini for everything but when I opened my mouth to speak, I couldn't find my voice.
Not being able to feel your presence in the now was one of the scariest things I've ever been through.
I tried to at least lift my head up, but when I did I got a massive pounding sensation all of the sudden and I miraculously made a small sound in pain.
That's when everything went dark and I lost all feeling in my body.


I cant describe the feeling of seeing your boyfriend in a big fight and getting beaten up by a senior.
I wanted to step in and break it up but EJ held me back every time.
So I had to stand there and watch. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced.
Finally EJ stepped in and broke it up.
I rushed over to Ricky and almost let out a big cry.
He had a busted lip, and a cut on the side of his face with blood running down from it.
I could already tell that by the morning, he would have two very black eyes.
He hadn't slipped out of consciousness yet, which I guess was good.
But seeing him like this made me so angry and so sad at the same time.
He should not have done that for me.
I grabbed his hand which was laying on his stomach.
I could imagine his feeling of defeat. But more importantly I needed to make sure he was going to be okay.
He looked pretty messed up and Ricky doesn't get into fights. He's not used to this sort of stuff.
"Can you get up?" I whispered, even though my voice cracked a little bit.
The principal was ordering all of the students to get to class and was taking Alex to the nurse.
I noticed that he tried to pick his head up but didn't get far at all.
He let out a small noise.
And that's when Ricky looked at me again and closed his eyes, his whole body relaxing.

(A/N, sorry for the crappy chapter. Hopefully my writing improves as I go along haha)

Swept Off My Feet- Rini FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora