By Now I'm Sure You're Thinking It's So Obvious

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I had nothing to say to her, so either she was going to speak first again, or we would sit in silence for a long time.
You couldn't pay me one thousand dollars to speak first.
I never put my sweatshirt back on.
It was hot anyways in her house, and a part of me wanted Nini to feel really guilty about the whole situation.
We both stood there, Nini holding her gaze on the injury, occasionally looking up at me, but I would just look away.
Did it still hurt?
Like hell.
I sat down on her bed, and even that little moment caused me to bring my hand up to my rib cage and I closed my eyes.
I was still really upset with her, and I didn't want to give in too easily.
She made a mistake by invading private information, and I wasn't going to let that go. Not yet at least.
"Do you need anything?" Nini asked, concerned.
I opened my eyes and shook my head.
"Well, what did the doctors say?" She asked. "When will you get better?"
I slowly laid back on her many layers of blankets, admiring the ways the blades of her fan spun around at a slow, steady pace, not providing any cool air to her room.
"I didn't go to the hospital," I told her.
She walked a little closer to me, but I stayed staring at the ceiling and the rotating fan.
"You didn't go to the hospital?" She exclaimed. "Then how-"
"I just didn't!" I said. "I didn't want my mom or Todd worrying about it, so I just brushed it off. It's not that bad anyways."
"Ricky, that's not-"
"It doesn't even hurt!" I cut her off. "It only hurts when I suddenly move. So I'm fine."
She came and sat on the bed next to me, while I continued to stare up at her ceiling.
I was a terrible liar, especially when it involved Nini. I don't know how she couldn't detect that I was lying.
She gently took my hand, which was resting on my chest.
I wanted to pull my hand away, but something in the way she held my hand let me decide that it was okay for her to keep it there.
I hated that she had that affect on me right now.
Her other hand came up to trace her fingers over the big bruise and as soon as I felt them touch the sensitive area, I winced and by accident, squeezed her hand.
I closed my eyes because the gentle motion of her cool hands felt really good, even if I didn't want to admit it.
"I need to take the KT Tape off," she told me.
I opened my eyes.
"What? No. I put it there for a reason."
"Ricky, Kinesiology Therapeutic tape is for athletes who have pulled muscles, not a broken rib," she explained. "It's doing nothing for you except slowing down the healing process." 
I sighed and closed my eyes again.
"This is part of the reason why I didn't want to tell you," I said.
She ignored my comment and stood up.
I propped myself up on my elbows and watched her rummage through her dresser.
"What are you looking for?" I asked her.
She pulled out a long, wide, tan colored piece of fabric with Velcro on each end.
"You know my friend from camp, Grayson fractured her pelvis bone climbing a tree and had to use this to help keep the bone in place while it healed," she said. "I know this is a little different, but it will still serve the same purpose."
"Why do you have it?" I asked.
"I'm actually not sure," she quietly laughed. "I think she gave it to me as a small joke."
Still propped up on my elbows, Nini told me that she was about to take off the KT Tape, which she said would hurt...a lot.
"Well, it's not my fault that you put adhesive athletic tape directly onto a huge, sensitive bruise," she said.


I didn't want to, but it's what must be done.
KT Tape wouldn't heal anything, and even though I didn't like hurting Ricky, he needed this.
I told him to ready himself as I got a good grasp on the edge of the tape.
I told him I was just going to rip the whole thing off at once, that way it'll be over quicker.
"Wait, wait, wait," he said suddenly, just as I was about to rip it off.
I looked at him.
"Count down from three. No wait, five. Actually, just-"
I cut him off by suddenly ripping the tape directly off of his skin, causing him to groan loudly in pain and falling back onto my bed.
"I know, I'm sorry," I apologized, gathering the KT Tape in one hand.
He brought both hands up to his bruise and broken rib, making another sound of discomfort.


Holy shit that hurt.
Nini was right about that; putting a sticky adhesive directly on the injury wasn't smart.
At all.
The sting of the tape was still burned into the sensitive area on my stomach and for some reason, I couldn't find the energy to sit up.
Nini sat down next to me again, running her hand through my brown hair, which never failed to make me feel better, even in the worst situations.
I let myself relax a little more, even though the area on my side was excruciating.
"Will you tell me now?" She whispered.
I turned my head to look up at her.
She then laid down next to me, on her side, facing me, with her hand propping up her head.
"I didn't want you to worry," I whispered, after a few quiet moments.
"Worry about what?" She asked.
"About me!"
I swallowed, still feeling the aftermath of the tape irritating my bruise and broken rib.
"Why wouldn't you want me to worry?" She asked again.
"You're Nini," I explained. "You're sorry about everything. And I didn't want you worrying about something you couldn't fix. It happened a week ago, before I knew I was moving back. You couldn't have helped me or been there for me, so why would I bother worrying you?"
"Because you tell me everything," she whispered, even though no one was home to hear it except myself.
"You had a lot going on Nini," I stated. "You had that big test in AP English, you had to plan for the senior trip, and more. I couldn't worry you or keep you up at night thinking about me. I knew that's what you would do."
"Of course I would," she told me. "I care about you so much." She reached up to put a hand on my face. "So much."
"That's why I didn't tell you," I stated again. "I care about you too, Nini. Do you understand now why I didn't do it?"
"A little bit," she admitted, bringing her hand down.
I used my elbows to prop myself up a little more and leaned close to her to give her a gentle kiss.
"Forgive me and I'll forgive you?" I whispered, after a good thirty seconds of kissing.
She smiled sadly.
"I forgive you."
We shared another gentle and sweet kiss.
"I forgive you too."

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