Second Chances Are Thought Of To Be Weak

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(A/N) I know that's not a HSMTMTS song lyric, but i LOVE this line from Common Sense :)


"Look who it is," EJ exclaimed as I came and sat down at the lunch table with Ashlyn, EJ, Kourtney, Carlos, and Seb.
"Hey guys," I said to them all.
"We don't like you," Carlos deadpanned.
"Love you too, Carlos," I replied, taking out my lunch box and placing it on the table.
I noticed Ricky wasn't here with the rest of us.
"Do you guys know where Ricky is?" I asked.
"Why? Can't handle one period without him, star-crossed lover?" Carlos teased.
"Ha ha," I mocked.
"I'm not sure," Ashlyn stated. "He was in Calculus with me third period."
I decided to text him a quick message wondering where he was.
"So guys," Kourtney exclaimed. "My parents are out of town this weekend. How would you guys feel about having a party at my house?!"
Everyone looked at each other excitedly.
"Yes," Carlos simply said.
Kourtneys house was absolutely beautiful. We loved hanging out at her house because it was the biggest, it had a pool, and plenty of bedrooms for sleepovers afterwards.
"That sounds perfect!" Seb said.
"Yeah!" Ashlyn agreed.
"Thanks, Kourt," I smiled and nudged her arm.
"Hey guys," Big Red said, coming over to our table and sitting down next to EJ with a tray of food. "What did I miss?"
"Kourtney's having a party at her house this weekend," Carlos told him.
"You in?" Kourtney asked.
"Sure!" He said, taking a drink from his water bottle. "As long as I can swim in your rich people pool."
We all laughed.
"Yes, you can swim in my rich people pool," Kourtney smiled.
I bit into a carrot stick.
Ricky still wasn't at lunch.
"Red, do you know where Ricky is?" I asked.
"Yeah, he never misses lunch," EJ put in.
"He loves food more than he loves Nini, there must be something wrong," Carlos guessed.
"Nothings wrong," Red stated, eating his salad.
"He's outside on the lacrosse field with his coach. He missed lacrosse conditioning when he was out of school because of his concussion about a month ago."
I suddenly stopped eating.
"What?" I asked.
Big Red looked up at me.
"Well yeah, since he's back in Salt Lake City, he's back on the team, which means he needs to condition again."
Ricky isn't supposed to be doing strenuous activity because of his ribs.
His dad ended up taking him to the doctor the day after he left my house. The doctors said that there's nothing they can do to help it heal. He just had to let it heal by itself over time.
Doing a bunch of workouts back to back wasn't smart.
I looked at EJ, and he motioned towards my phone.
I picked it up and noticed a text from him.

red doesn't know about
his accident.

I quickly texted back.

does the coach know?

nope. no one does, not even
the school. it's just you and i.

he could seriously hurt himself!

well, go find him!

I quickly packed up my stuff.
"Where are you going,?" Seb asked.
"The bathroom," I lied. "Girl stuff."
Carlos shuttered.
I stood up and walked off, hearing Kourtney call behind me, 'be at my place at 8:00 on Saturday!'


"How much longer?" I complained to Tim, my lacrosse coach.
"You're almost there. Now come on, ten push ups, he replied.
I groaned and put my hands and knees on the turf.
I got into a push-up position and began.
The pain on the side of my stomach wasn't extreme.
Sure it hurt for some of the exercises, but nothing that I couldn't handle.
I finished the pushups and stood up.
Tim looked at his clip board with papers clipped to the front.
He flipped through the first and second page.
"Four more exercises to go," he announced.
"Coach T," I said. "No disrespect but I haven't conditioned since last spring and I recently got beat up. Cut me a little slack?"
"Your concussion healed a month ago. You're fine now," he said. "Plus, this is good for you. Run two laps around the track."
This might hurt.
I took off on the track that circled around the lacrosse field.
Two laps around was one mile in distance. Yay.
As I started to run the second lap, I got a bad cramp where the bruises were and I had to stop to catch my breath.
"Bowen!" Tim yelled from across the field.
"Cramp!" I yelled back.
I took a deep breath and took off running again, pushing through the discomfort.
Once I finished, I was surprisingly out of breath.
"Good job, Ricky," he said, and clapped me on my back.
"Three more exercises and-"
"Ricky!" I heard someone yell from across the other side of the field.
I turned my head and Nini was running over to meet me.
"Hey, Ni-"
"Stop," she interrupted, catching her breath.
"What?" I asked.
"He can't be conditioning," she told Tim.
"He's perfectly fine. His concussion healed weeks ago," Tim said back.
"No, it's not his concussion. He had a skateboarding accid-"
I cut her off by laughing dramatically.
"No I didn't," I quickly told Tim. "She isn't thinking. She's high."
Nini looked taken aback.
"Excuse me?"
I faced her and made a pleading face.
"Coach, can I talk to Ricky for just a second?" She asked.
Tim looked at his watch on his left wrist.
"Three minutes."
Nini pulled me about thirty feet away from Tim.
"I'm high?" She exclaimed.
"That was just to get out of that situation!" I whispered. "I can't let him know about the injury!"
"Ricky you could get hurt. You know what the doctor said."
"This isn't strenuous," I told her.
"It's intense workouts to get you prepped for the season. I'm pretty sure it's strenuous," she said.
"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm fine!" I reassured.
"Back to work, Bowen!" Tim yelled to me.
"I gotta go," I told her, reassuring I'll be okay.
I ran back over to Tim.


Normally I respected Ricky's boundaries. I mean, it's not my place to tell him what to do or decide his actions.
But the over protective girlfriend inside of me came out more fiercely than I'd like to admit.
Right before I was about to shout that he had a side injury, I saw him get down on the turf and begin to start Russian Twists with ten pound weights.
Even though he must have been hurting, his face showed determination and passion.
He really loved lacrosse.
I couldn't take that away from him.
As much as I loved him and wanted him to be safe, I realized that he loved lacrosse more than I thought.
I had the power to take away his spot on the team for this season, and as much as it pained me to see him defying the rules that the doctor ordered, it made me happy to see that he was passionate about playing on the team, and taking that away from him would have been the end of his world.

(A/N) filler chapter ^^ sorry about that

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