Is It Something Wrong With Me?

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The decorations at East High were always amazing. I never knew who decorated the school whenever there was a dance but it was always incredible.
Red, white, and black streamers were hung all over the entrance. Red balloons stood tall at the front door and yellow disco lights poured out of the doorway.
"Is Big Red coming tonight?" Nini asked.
"He didn't have a date," I replied back. "What about Kourtney?"
"She didn't either."
"I think it's the stupidest thing that only couples can go to these dances. Shouldn't it be for everyone?"
"Couples?" Nini asked, looking at me.
"Yeah," I said. "Like boyfriend and girlfriend."


I took my attention off of Ricky. If he thought only couples could come here, then why did he bring me?
We weren't together. Yet.
"Oh," I said.
We walked inside and there were already a lot of people here.
"It's only 7:35, why are so many people here already?" Ricky chuckled.
The gymnasium was decorated beautifully. I noticed Carlos and Seb across the gym. Carlos waved at us.
"Hey, why don't you go meet up with them?" Ricky told me. "I'll go get us some drinks."
"Okay," I smiled, and let go of Ricky's arm and walked over to them.


"Hey, Mr. Bowen," Mr. Mazarra said. He was serving out the food and drinks.
"Um, hey," I said back.
"So, what do you and your lady want?" He asked.
"Two lemonades please," I smiled.
I knew that Nini's favorite drink was lemonade, and even though I wasn't the biggest fan of it, I wanted to make it seem like we both had that in common.
"Here you are sir," he said and I went to grab the two drinks when I looked out the window of the gym. I tensed up and felt my whole body shut down.
It was Todd, my moms boyfriend. With my mom.
What are they doing here?
They were sitting in my moms car, laughing about something. She picked up her phone and started to type something while Todd kept making her laugh.
"Ricky?" Mr. Mazarra asked, still holding out the drinks.
Then my phone buzzed.
I reached down in my pocket and pulled it out.

Mom: Hi Honey. Could you step outside for a minute?

I couldn't believe it. She came home for the day with Todd?
"Ricky, are you okay?" Mr. Mazarra asked again.
"I'm fine," I said sternly and ran out into the hall.


"Have you seen Ricky?" I asked Seb, when he was done talking about his pig having babies.
"No, I haven't. Didn't you say he was getting you a drink?"
"Yeah..." I said as I looked over at Mr. Mazarra's table with the food and drinks.
He wasn't there.
"Excuse me, guys," I smiled.
"Of course," Carlos responded.
I walked over to the table and looked around the gym. I couldn't see Ricky.
Did he leave?
I ran out into the hallway and there was Ricky, 20 feet away, with his knees up into his chest, his arms rested on them, and his head down.
I walked over to go see him, but my shoes were really loud against the tile floor and his head shot up.
"Nini, I'm so sorry-"
I slowly and quietly walked over to him.
"Hey, don't apologize," I said as I knelt down next to him, rubbing his back.
He put his head back down.
"It's my mom," he said, in between short breaths. It sounded like he had been crying.
"What about your mom, Ricky?" I asked. I didn't want to push him for answers since it was a very sensitive topic but I wanted to help him in any way possible.
"She's here. And she brought Todd."
I switched my position so I was siting with my legs crossed in front of him.
I gently lifted his arms up off his knees, holding them in my hands so he had to look at me.
Right as I looked him in the eyes, my heart almost shattered.
There was so much pain, and anger, and sadness built up in those golden eyes that I almost couldn't keep it together myself.
Ricky repositioned his legs so they matched mine - crossed.
"Ricky..." I started, but didn't know how to say what I was thinking.
"You need to be happy for your mom. Her relationship with your dad didn't make her happy. But now she is. I mean, have you seen her? She likes him so much that's she's ready for you to meet him."
His eyes stopped watering for a quick second and he was starting to listen.
"Just know it had absolutely nothing to do with you, okay?"
Ricky closed his eyes and I noticed another tear fall down his cheek.
"Hey," I whispered, my voice breaking a little bit.
I stood up and took his hands in mine, pulling him up as well.
As soon as we were both standing, he pulled me in for a hug. It was a sweet gesture, and I knew he was starting to feel just a little better. That's all I was hoping for.


When Nini was talking to me, I couldn't speak. What she was saying made so much sense that I couldn't say anything back to her. I just had to sit there and let her talk.
While we were hugging, it felt real. Of course, when we rehearsed for the musical, we had to pretend to be madly in love and that meant a lot of fake hugging and kissing.
But this felt so much more real.
Nini gently pulled away and looked at me.
Then I leaned down and she went up on her toes and we shared a kiss.
She put her hands on my face and mine went around her waist.
I pulled away first.
"Thank you," I told her.
She smiled.
"Now come on, you're going to have a great time," she said.
She slid her hand down my arm until it fell perfectly into my hand and she pulled me along, back into the gym.
Back into reality.

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