66 - The Big Announcement

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"You're what?!"

"We're having a baby." Fred clasped my hand in his as we faced his parents. "And we wanted you to know before you heard from anyone else."

Molly stared at us, her mouth opening and shutting like a goldfish.

We were in Professor McGonagall's office. It was Fred's idea to go to her for help. He had insisted she would deal with it better than Professor Flitwick. He was probably right.

I had knocked on her office door explaining that I was pregnant and that Fred was the father. Owls were immediately sent out, and Fred arrived straight away, whilst we waited for his parents to attend next.

"Forgive us," Arthur said, looking embarrassed. "But this has come as quite a surprise. We didn't even know you two were... you know."

"I love her," Fred said, pulling me to him and wrapping an arm around my waist. "And I'm going to stick by her. You understand that, don't you?"

I hated this. We were outright lying to his family. And they've never shown anything but kindness towards me in the past.

Both Fred and Draco had assured me this was the only way. It was too dangerous to let too many people know the truth.

I felt crap. In my nerves about this meeting, I had forgotten to eat an apple beforehand. Waves of nausea crashed over me and I found myself leaning into Fred for support.

"This is our fault," Molly gasped, her face going white. "We should have put a stop to it when you insisted she stay with you over the summer. She was in love with Ronald! How could you take advantage like that, Fred?! I'm so ashamed!"

I looked up in horror. The lies were already getting out of hand and poor Fred was being thrown under a bus because of them.

"Aurora, don't cry," Fred said later, after his bewildered parents had left. "They'll come around. I'm sure mum'll be at home knitting booties in no time!"

This just made me cry harder - the idea of poor Molly knitting booties for a grandchild that wasn't even hers, broke me.

"This is such a mess!" I cried, tears cascading down my face, as Fred pulled me into a hug.

"None of this is your fault, Aurora." Fred assured me. "In time, my parents will see why we had to do what we had to do. It's to protect your baby, Aurora. Everything you are doing is for that baby inside of you. Just remember that."

I knew he was right but it still didn't stop the horrendous guilt eating me up inside.

I walked with Fred from the office, heading down into the Entrance Hall so that I could see him off at the oak doors.

"Well look at what the cat dragged in!"

The screech halted Fred and I in our tracks midway down the marble staircase.

Pansy and Draco had just emerged from the dungeons; Pansy looking her usual smug, evil self, and Draco looking horrified.

Our eyes met in mutual panic as my heart started racing horrifically in my chest.

"Come on, Pansy," Draco muttered, grabbing her arm and trying to pull her away from the bottom of the stairs.

But she shrugged him off, remaining steadfast, her hands on her hips as she waited for Fred and I to continue our descent.

"Ignore her," Fred murmured, pulling me further to the side so that I wouldn't have to walk too close to her.

"The skank and her blood traitor tramp!" Pansy cackled loudly.

It wasn't very busy, but those who were in the vicinity suddenly stopped as they all turned to see who Pansy was calling a skank.

I felt my face flame as Fred and I continued down the steps, eyes curiously on me and the Weasley twin, whose arm I was holding onto.

"Looking a bit fat lately, aren't you?" Pansy continued, her eyes glinting gleefully towards my stomach, which was hidden beneath the folds of my robes.

"I swear to god, Pansy," Draco hissed, a pink tinge now rising in his cheeks.

But as soon as Fred and I drew up next to her, as we reached the bottom of the stairs, she lunged at me, ripping my robes violently from my body, revealing my protruding stomach straining through my school blouse.

I cried out, trying to cover myself with my arms, but given the gasps all around me, it was obviously too late.

"You see, everyone!" Pansy bellowed so that people were now stepping out from behind doors to see what was going on. "Nothing but a knocked up little tart - getting so desperate she's resorted to being pummelled by a Weasley!"

"You psycho bitch!" Fred yelled at her, pulling me away as he quickly tried to wrap my robes back around me.

Draco had grabbed Pansy with more force now, and was violently dragging her away as she cackled manically. Fury didn't even begin to describe the expression on his face.

Tears of humiliation were now cascading down my face as I felt everyone stare at me.

"Come on," Fred muttered, wrapping an arm around me and leading me out towards the oak doors, snarling at everyone to move aside.

"They were going to find out sooner or later, anyway," Fred tried to console me once we were outside. "Not that that excuses that bitch's behaviour. But at least they all know now."

I nodded, wiping my face. I was so tired; so utterly exhausted from all of this. The emotions; the sickness; the lies and the guilt.

It was killing me.

Fred said goodbye, making me promise I would owl him if I needed anything, and to go straight to Madam Pomfrey if I had any fears about the pregnancy. Being a trained midwife, she was able to take on all my pregnancy care up in the hospital wing.

Which was lucky.

I watched as Fred walked all the way across the grounds to the edge of the castle's boundaries, delaying the moment when I would have to turn around and face the music.

"You look like you could do with one of these,"

I whirled round at the voice that made my heart sing. Draco was leaning lazily against the castle wall, one hand in his trouser pocket, and the other throwing and catching a green apple.

He immediately tossed it towards me; my hand shot out and expertly caught it.

"Huh," Draco said, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise, "you'd make a good Seeker."

I smiled, biting into the apple. My body sighed in delight as the juices hit my tongue, my nausea instantly dissipating.

"I'm so sorry about Pansy." He said quietly, casting his eyes down gloomily, while I munched greedily away. "I hate this, I really do."

I lowered the apple, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, desperate to go to him but knowing I could not.

"Don't Draco, don't apologise for her." I murmured sadly.

He shrugged, looking back up at me, and I could see the pain and sadness in his eyes; twisting my heart.

"I'm glad you have him," he said hoarsely, his voice cracking slightly. "I just wish it could be me."

"Me too," I whispered, as a lonely tear fell down my cheek. "Me, too."

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