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brendon: dallon im going to fucking die

dal pal: What's wrong?

brendon: he's in this class too

brendon: he's been in like two or three of my classes and lunch isnt until next period i want to fucking cry

dal pal: Hey, you're gonna be okay.

brendon: no im not im gonna fucking cry

dal pal: The worst that could happen is that he bothers you or freaks you out, he hasn't done that yet has he?

brendon: no but he will eventually i fucking bet on it

dal pal: Maybe you're gonna have to talk to him eventually

dal pal: To sort things out

brendon: i dont wanna talk to him i feel like i'll start sobbing if i just look at him

dal pal: You can do this

dal pal: But don't rush it, do it when and if you feel comfortable doing it

brendon: thank u dal

dal pal: Yeah, of course:)

brendon: uh dallon

dal pal: Yeah?

brendon: about what you said in the bathroom

brendon: are u okay?

dal pal: That's not the focus right now

brendon: well, i'm worried, arent i?

brendon: whats wrong? whats on ur mind?

dal pal: It's not important

dal pal: Do you think you'll make it through the day without freaking out or anything?

brendon: dallon, can you answer my question please

dal pal: It's really nothing, forget I said anything

brendon: please?

dal pal: I'll tell you later

dal pal: Do you feel like you have to leave or anything?

brendon: im good

brendon: but later, dont dodge the question please

dal pal: ..

brendon: thank u dallon

dal pal: It's no problem
read 12:03pm

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