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brendon: are u ok???

dal pal: Yeah why?

brendon: spencer said u were sick

dal pal: Yeah, it's nothing to worry about though

dal pal: It's just a small fever, I'll be better by tomorrow

brendon: are u sure?

brendon: ur by urself and sick

dal pal: I can take care of myself, I'll be alright

brendon: im coming to ur house after school

dal pal: But I'm sick?

brendon: exactly

dal pal: Bren, I appreciate the thought but I'll be alright. I don't want you getting sick, either

brendon: i'll be fine

brendon: besides, u do so much for me

brendon: its about time i do something for u

dal pal: You don't have to do anything

dal pal: I'm fine, you really dont have to come

brendon: too late see u after school

dal pal: You're gonna get sick
read 10:44am

dal pal: Seriously, you really don't have to
delivered 10:52am

dal pal: Whatever, I'm gonna go take a nap.
delivered 10:58am

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