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brendon: hiya!!

dal pal: Hey Brendon

brendon: sorry for the super late response

brendon: i didnt think u would be up this late

dal pal: Eh

dal pal: Anyways, how are you

brendon: im good!

brendon: a lil sleepy, also my leg is asleep cus this dumbass fell asleep on it

dal pal: Your dog isnt that big?

brendon: did u just make fun of my dog

dal pal: What

dal pal: No

dal pal: I didnt mean it like that

brendon: relax lmfaoo its fine!!

brendon: but no its not my dog lmao, ryan fell asleep on my leg

brendon: shit his dog is getting on my leg now

dal pal: Are your legs alright?

brendon: probably?

brendon: i cant tell, cant feel them

dal pal: Oh

dal pal: Right

dal pal: Duh

brendon: Oh. Right. Duh.

dal pal: Yeah,

dal pal: So I just wanted to let you know that I'm alright now and that I'm sorry

brendon: its alright

brendon: sorry for being pushy and trying to get u to talk

brendon: i shouldve respected that u didnt want to tell me anything

dal pal: Don't worry about it

dal pal: I'd like to talk more but its 3 in the morning and I actually sleep

brendon: well apparently u dont;)

dal pal: Yeah yeah

dal pal: I'm also tired anyways so

brendon: thats alright

brendon: well,,, good night!

dal pal: Goodnight!
read 3:13am

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