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brendon: dallon

dal pal: Brendon

brendon: are u alright???

dal pal: Yeah? Why?

brendon: ryan mentioned something and its got me worried

dal pal: Ryan?

brendon: seaman

dal pal: Well what did he mention?

brendon: u've been off lately

dal pal: In what way?

brendon: idk ur just

brendon: not urself?

brendon: like before we took u out to run around and cheer u up

brendon: except kind of worse?

brendon: is everything alright

dal pal: It's nothing

brendon: come on

brendon: we're worried about u

dal pal: It's really nothing

dal pal: You don't have to worry about it

brendon: please?

brendon: dallon if theres something wrong u can always tell me

brendon: i dont want u to be alone with ur emotions

dal pal: I'm sorry Bren

dal pal: It's not that important anyways

brendon: no dallon, ur emotions are always important
read 10:13am

brendon: please answer me
delivered 10:19am

brendon: if u ever want to talk about it im always here
delivered 10:23am

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