Stefan - It hurts so bad

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It was almost 1 A.M. when Stefan came home. Damon heard the door being opened. He had headed to bed but hadn't fallen asleep yet. Damon thought he heard something. A sniffle. A sob maybe. So he let his hearing sharpen but the noise never returned, and so he shrugged it off. He heard Stefan head to his bedroom, closing the door.

That was when hell broke loose. Damon heard Stefan crying loudly from his room, and it barely took him five seconds to be in front of the door, pushing desperately against the locked door. He could hear Stefan walk around inside the room, sobbing and crying.

"Stefan?! Hey, buddy let me in!" Damon yelled worriedly pushing on the door. Everything became quiet for a few minutes.

"Stefan?" Damon asked. Then the lock jingled and Damon pushed at the door once again. This time, it didn't feel locked. It felt like someone had blocked it with something.

"Come on, Stef," Damon sighed. "I just wanna help you. Let me in."

He heard Stefan move around and when Damon pushed against the door again, it opened. Damon saw Stefan sitting on the floor, shaking with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. Tears were running down his cheeks and he was sweating. He was dressed in sweatpants and a tank top only.

Damon slowly lowered himself onto the floor, sitting beside Stefan. He rested his hand on Stefan's arm, making his little brother flinch.

"Hey, buddy," he said gently and offered Stefan a hug. Stefan leaned into him and broke down in tears, crying harder than Damon had ever seen him cry. Of course, that had something to do with their father never tolerating human emotions.  Stefan hadn't always been very open about his emotions. He and Damon were still figuring their relationship out.

"What's wrong, Stefan?" Damon asked, making Stefan cry even harder, which made Damon even more worried. Damon tried to not show his panic. Instead, he ran his fingers through Stefan's soft, damp hair.

"I can't-... I can't-..." Stefan tried to speak only to choke in his cries.

"Easy..." Damon mumbled, stroking Stefan's hair. "Take your time."

"It hurts so bad," Stefan cried and Damon asked him about what hurt to which Stefan answered "Everything."

Damon held Stefan close as he cried so hard, that Damon was surprised Stefan still had tears left. When Stefan finally collapsed into Damon's arms, going limp and not crying anymore, Damon asked again what happened.

"I tried to stop him... I-I swear," Stefan sniffled.

"Stop who? From what?" Damon asked keeping the steady rhythm of rubbing Stefan's arm going.

"I-I don't know who... B-but h-he..." Stefan broke down in tears again.

"What did he do to you, Stef?" Damon asked again, kissing Stefan's temple gently. Stefan was shaking.

"H-He forced me, Damon," Stefan cried. "He forced me."

Damon felt where this was going.

"To what?" He asked, shutting his eyes tightly.

"H-Having sex with him..." Stefan stuttered, sniffling but feeling relieved that the words finally came spilling out. Damon knew it before Stefan had said it yet he still tightened his grip on the younger boy. His little brother had been raped and he hadn't protected him from it. He couldn't have done anything but still.

"I have to call a doctor," he whispered, pressing his lips to Stefan's head.

"NO! NO!" Stefan shouted and struggled to get away from Damon, who only held him tighter, whispering to him that he was safe, but also that they had to go to get it checked out. Stefan just collapsed in his arms, crying loudly.

Stefan kept sitting with Damon when he called the doctor. Damon used his charm to make the doctor come to their home, instead of him having to drag Stefan to the hospital. When the doctor showed up, Damon left Stefan in his room and went to let the doctor in. He showed her to Stefan's room.

"Hi, Stefan," she smiled rubbing Stefan's arm soothingly. "I'm gonna check you over real quick. Can you go ahead and lean over the edge of the bed?" 

Stefan did as told and Damon sat in front of him, rubbing his arms gently. The doctor warned Stefan about her tugging his pants down before she did it making him whimper.

"I don't like it," he cried, looking at Damon. Damon nodded understandably and rubbed Stefan's arms. The doctor searched his body for injuries, not finding any.

"He's gonna be sore for a while. He's been bleeding a little. I would like to take a picture of it, to turn it into the police department," she said, but Damon simply shook his head.

"No," he said. "I'm friends with the sheriff. I'll tell her myself."

The doctor didn't like the answer but she shrugged it off and left the house. Damon helped Stefan up and put his clothes back in place. Both brothers laid on the bed. Damon held Stefan gently and kissed his head as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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