Stefan - vampire rehab

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request: could you do one where stefan is really guilty/sad after being a ripper or like no humanity or something and damon helps him?

Stefan was silently sitting in front of the fireplace, staring into the flames when Damon came home from the grill.

"You should have been at the grill tonight. There was this crazy girl, who threw off her clothes and danced on the pool table, screaming  about how her husband cheated on her and how they managed to get through. Then she said something about her still holding grudges and now she cheated on him. It was ridiculous." Damon laughed and poured himself a drink. Then he noticed that Stefan hadn't moved nor said a word about his story. He hadn't even released a small chuckle, which Damon was usually able to make him do without too much work.

"I'm not really in the mood for partying," Stefan mumbled and continued to stare into the flames.

"What? Did your squirrel not taste as good as you wanted it to?" Damon teased, making Stefan rise from the stool and head for the stairs.

"Hey! Stef, come on! I'm joking! You know that! What's wrong?"

"I'm not really in the mood for joking either," Stefan said and slammed the door to his room. After drinking his drink, Damon decided that going to check on Stefan was a good idea and so he snuck upstairs.

He sat outside of Stefan's room, leaned against the wall and waited for Stefan to be willing to talk to him. He knew his brother better than anyone, and he knew exactly when Stefan was ready to talk.

For a while all Damon could hear was Stefan breaking down on the other side of the wall and it was heartbreaking really, but Stefan wasn't ready for company yet. When the cries finally died down, Damon walked into the room and saw Stefan sit against the opposite side of the wall. Damon kneeled down in front of him and pulled Stefan closer. Stefan gasped a little and then let out a sob. Damon rubbed his back in sooting circles.

"I killed so many people, Damy... I killed them all and they didn't deserve it. They didn't. They were so innocent and I killed them."

"Shhh..." Damon soothed. "Did you know that there's 132 suicides in America every day? So you've probably even helped some people while helping yourself."

That didn't seem to comfort Stefan very much.

"Look Stef, there's thing thing called destiny. Turning was ours and being your lunch was theirs. I know that sucks but maybe it's all for the greater good."

Stefan looked at Damon.

"Maybe I should be the one committing suicide... That would be relieving for everyone."

"Nah-uh baby brother." Damon started. "There is a road called recovery and we're on it. And look at the bright side. You can be in your own home, while at the same time having me coaching you through vampire rehab."

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