Stefan - kidneys

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request: Hey can u do one for the Salvatore sickfics were Stefan needs to go to the hospital please.

"Yes, yes. He has a fever and it's not exactly small," Damon said as he phoned the doctor after Stefan had started screaming in pain in the middle of the night. "How high? I don't know, I haven't checked."

Damon pressed the back of his hand to Stefan's forehead and went to fetch a thermometer while staying on the line with the 911 dispatcher. He gently slid it under Stefan's tongue and held it there.

"I'm taking it now. So besides the fever, he has chills and he's vomiting. I haven't had him up walking yet, but he gets nauseous just by turning around in bed." Damon said with great concern and removed the thermometer. "His fever is just above 103."

"Okay, try to make sure that he stays hydrated. Try to get him to eat and drink some water. Give him some fever reducing medicine and then he should be fine, but if he starts showing more symptoms or if his fever rises, take him to the ER immediately."

Damon nodded and hung up and went to get Stefan everything, the dispatcher had told him to get.

"Damon?" Stefan gasped in pain. "I have to pee..."

Damon nodded and lifted Stefan from the bed very gently. He took him to the bathroom and lowered Stefan onto the toilet.

"You got it, buddy?" Damon asked. Stefan shook his head and almost begged Damon to stay, so Damon grabbed Stefan's hands and held them for comfort. Stefan started sobbing, then crying louder and eventually being close to screaming.

"It hurts so bad!" Stefan yelled, his face red from pain and tears down his face. Damon kissed his head and helped him clean himself up but gasped at the color of Stefan's urine. It was brown-red-ish and Damon could smell the tint of blood.

"Alright, alright. You and I are gonna have a trip to the ER." Damon said and lifted Stefan. They drove to the hospital and Damon brought Stefan into the ER, where a nurse lead them to a room. A doctor came in after not too long and started asking the brothers questions. Well mostly Damon, Stefan didn't even have the energy to look at the man.

"Hi Stefan," The doctor said getting Stefan's attention. "I'm gonna get an ultrasound and some blood work scheduled for you so we can get you out of this pain. In the meanwhile, I'm gonna get a nurse to administer some pain killers for you."

The doctor then left the room and a nurse came shortly after. She quickly gave up on giving Stefan the pills orally, since he threw up so often and so she administered them in his behind. Stefan was in too much pain to even complain and he was just looking forward to some sort of relief.

Stefan was almost asleep when the doctor came in for the ultrasound and the doctor tried to do it quietly without waking Stefan. Damon gently massaged Stefan's scalp and Stefan breathed shakily.

"There we have it." The doctor gently stroked Stefan's leg and woke him up. "You've got kidney stones, Stefan. Now that is a very painful condition as you know, but we are only interested in making you feel better and for you to be in the least amount of pain that you can possibly be in. We're gonna get an IV started for you and then we're gonna have you drink a lot of water and then we'll see how far we can get with that."

Stefan was barely hearing him and he barely felt when the IV was inserted. A steady flow rushed through his veins and the doctors quickly got him a lot of water to drink. After a while, Stefan had to go to the bathroom and he was honestly scared about it. He remembered the pain he had been in last time he went and he didn't want to be in that pain again. Damon offered to go with him but Stefan told him off and Damon couldn't do anything but listen as Stefan cried in pain. As Stefan sobbingly walked out from the bathroom, Damon wrapped his arms around him and did his best to deliver comfort.

The doctor soon returned and did yet another ultrasound.

"Okay, Stefan. I see some progress. You're getting better, although the pain might not have changed much. We're gonna keep you here overnight because you're dehydrated, but tomorrow you're going home." The doctor smiled.

And better Stefan got. He was still in some pain but it got better with the time. Damon reassured him that everything would be okay, and that he would soon be able to get to school again. In the afternoon, Damon was allowed to bring Stefan back home but was told to make sure the younger Salvatore got lots of rest, and so Damon did.

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