Stefan - Sick and no meds

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request: One fanfic in which stefan is very weak and sick from an unknown virus and damon helps him to recover

Stefan made his way down the stairs in the middle of the night. He took a break halfway and leant against the wall. He felt too weak to make another step. He sat down and rested against the wall. Fell asleep there.

When Damon woke up in the morning, he made his way to the kitchen but stopped when he saw Stefan, shivering in his sleep. Why was Stefan sleeping on the stairs?

"Stef?" Damon gently shook him awake and started feeling for a fever. Stefan stirred awake and looked around in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked. "Why aren't you in your room?"

"Not feeling so good, Damon... Please do something..."

Damon chuckled a little.

"I would do something, if I knew what to do, but I don't. It just seems like a fever to me. You've got anything else?" Damon slowly started raising Stefan from the floor.

"I feel really dizzy... It really sucks..."

"Why don't you lay on the couch, and then I'll come and check on you in a few hours okay? You're gonna be okay."

Damon helped Stefan to the living room and laid him on the couch. Stefan fell asleep almost immediately. Damon placed a bucket next to the couch and gave Stefan's arm a soothing rub. Stefan whimpered.

Damon went back to his own bedroom to try to get a little more sleep.

Stefan threw up in after an hour or so, but due to how weak and tired he felt, he just simply forgot to tell Damon what had happened, so Damon didn't know until he came downstairs and saw the bucket full of vomit.

He gently woke Stefan up.

"Did you throw up, Stef?" He asked, his voice filled with sympathy. Stefan nodded a little and pulled the blanket up around his shoulders.

"Can I please have some medicine?" Stefan asked pitifully.

"Oh, baby brother. I would give you medicine, but this is most likely a virus, which means that medicine won't work," Damon said. "But I can get you some soup if you'd like?"

Stefan shook his head and mumbled that he wasn't hungry. Then Damon offered to lay with him. Stefan agreed and got up from the couch so Damon could lay down. Then Stefan laid down with his head on Damons chest.

"Thank you for taking care of me..." Stefan mumbled

"Always, Baby brother."

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