What Doesn't Kill You

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"I've gotta remember
That I'm just a toy
'Til you got my hopes up
And now I'm annoyed
You thought you could charm me
And, damn it, you're right
So watch me fall for every damn


Silent treatment could make someone go mad.

Especially if that someone is Harry Styles.

Sunday morning I woke up in bed whit Thomas and discovered I had six text from Harry.

I didn't read them.

He tried to reach for me all day, and I rejected every single call.
Sunday night, after Thomas was gone, I was lying in bed and heard a tapping on my window.

Harry was there.

He kept tapping for a good half an hour until puffing, I turned on my side bringing the covers over my head and shouted "I'm sleeping. Go away"

Serves him right.

I couldn't find in me the strength to talk to him. The way he treats me at my birthday hurt way too much for my liking.
Even more, knowing how much it took for me to decide to give him a second chance.

He was just lonely and bored.

Wait until he smells another model's vagina. See how quickly he disappears again.

He has to understand I'm not the same girl he left two years ago: I no longer hang from his lips, and certainly, I'm not his dog.

Either he treats me right, or he can go to hell.

I'm a grown-ass woman now, I can stand my ground and I won't accept his misbehaviour just because he was having a bad day.

I swear he's worse than me on my period. One moment he's all lovely and sweet and the second he becomes satan himself.

Fucking lunatic.

I must admit, part of me - the noisy one that doesn't know how to mind her own damn business - wants to know why he had such a sudden mood swing.
I mean, he was laughing with my sister before Thomas asked me again to marry him.

What happened in ten minutes to make him act like a prick?

Maybe he received bad news from someone?

Was it something from work?

Was it... Was it Camille? Did she call him?

Maybe seeing Thomas propose reminded him of Camille and how their relationship ended.
Or maybe seeing Thomas propose made him realize how much he misses her and that she is the love of his life?

Is this why he was in such a mood?

Maybe he just needed a friend and I lashed out on him because I have the patience of a hungry grizzly?

We are barely friends.


I don't have to feel bad for him. He is not my friend. I'm sure he has plenty of friends more than ready to put up with his attitude.

He can grab the ladder and use it to go to one of their windows.

Or... He could show the ladder up his ass. At least it would have given him a reason to behave like a stupid twat.

I'm so pissed with him, but mostly with myself. How could I fall in his trap again? How could I let him under my skin again?

Talk to him they said, you need it.

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