Bowling tournament.

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I was back at the bowling alley working a slow shift with Emil stationed across the counter from me waiting for the tournament to start.
"So Emil, do I need to start calling you Teddy as well now?"
"Oh no I'm just borrowing. I am sorry about what happened yesterday Amelia."
"Dude don't be. Teddy means well he does. But he has been protecting me more since Jacob went off to college and he goes a bit overboard with it sometimes."
"Teddy told me that a guy asked you out once and you told him he needed your brother and Teddys permission."
"It was because I knew the guy was a creep and that he wouldn't take no from me. But from my big scary brother and Teddy they would. So that's what I do for most guys who try to ask me out."
"I didn't know that part."
"Don't get me wrong. If it was someone like you or Sydney they would be happy with it. If they weren't I wouldn't know what to do." I explained.
"You know Amelia you surprise me more and more. Do you bowl?"
"Oh yeah. Regina gave me my own bowling ball for my birthday."
"I thought you don't tell people when your birthday was?"
"Oh I don't. She just went 'Amelia since I have no clue when your birthday is I'm giving your present now and just gonna say happy birthday.' So now I have a bowling ball."
"You know I like when you tell stories fair Amelia. I feel like I get to know more about you from them."
"Well I'm full of surprises."
Regina came up and gave a kind smile towards us.
"Emil are you ready to practice?"
"Ready as a Moose being rated."
"How do you rate a moose?"
"Wet nose and a firm rump." We said at the same time making Emil smile.
"You have a problem with how much you like Moose's."
"And Teddy has a problem with becoming a robot. Thats more wrong then with liking Moose's a lot."
"I worry for you a lot Mia."
"Yeah I know."
They went off to practice bowling and after Emil got his first strike Teddy came down the stairs. He looked over at me but I looked away and did some homework.
"Mia.... can we talk?"
"Maybe later Teddy. I'm not in the mood to talk."
"I just wanted to apologise for how I was acting. I know I was being too protective over you...I just don't want to see you hurt and when I saw you and Emil like that, I just kinda went into brother mode not considering anything else into factor. I just hope you will forgive me."
"Teddy. I know you see me as your sister and I see you guys as family as well...don't ever tell Regina I said that, it will kill her. But Emil isn't going to hurt me and we are just friends. He obviously doesn't see me in a romantic way, so you don't need to be so worried. Now go do what you were gonna do."
He gave a smile before walking off and I went to go clean a table.
'Obviously even if I did have feelings for Emil like that, there is no way he would ever think of me the same way. I am only just a commoner where he is from.'

~a few moments later~

I was mopping up a spill when Teddy ran over to me.
"Mia! Will you be my partner in the bowling tournament?"
"Uh no. You know I don't like things like this."
"Please Mia. I beg of you."
"Teddy even if I wanted to I can't. I have work till you guys lose. I'm sorry but no. Why don't you ask Wade." I said pointing to him.
"Why didn't I think of that?!"
"Don't know."
He ran off over to Wade and I placed a wet floor sign down. I carried the bucket off the platform before rolling it the rest of the way to the back room. Before I could leave I got a phone call from an unknown number.
I answered the call and I couldn't believe it.

"Is this Amelia Smith?"
"Yes it is. How may I help you?"
"Hi my name is Dan and I am one of the producers for Fillmore. Now I'm calling today to inform you about a job in Peoria playing one of Fillmore children. Would you be interested in the job?"
"Yes, a 1000 times yes!"
"Great! Now we know you are still in school so you would be doing every second night for about a month or two depending how things go. Rehearsal will be starting in a weeks time along with outfit fittings. I will have Jane send you the times and we will see you in a week."
"Thank you so much for this opportunity. I will see you then."

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now