♤Not When I'll Dissapoint You♤

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All Jungwoo could do is look down and fidget with his fingers.He was literally shaking.

"What?Just tell me already.I'm your mother, you should be comfortable with talking about this stuff."said Jungwoo's mom in a very demanding tone.

Not when I'll dissapoint you.

"Alright then, how about I ask this:where is it?"asked his mom.
"Right forearm."said Jungwoo.

His mom got up and walked up behind him, which made Jungwoo feel a little uneasy.

Before he could comprehend anything, his mom took him by the right wrist and pulled his sleeve up, revealing his tattoo.

Jungwoo freezes.It's as if he's not alive anymore.He didn't want his mother to find out.

His mother stared at it with shock and dissapointment in her eyes.Jungwoo couldn't even turn his head around to look at her.

She slowly put down his sleeve and sat back down, grasping her hair.
He felt horrible.He just dissapointed his own mother.It's the wrost feeling ever.

"Kim Jungwoo, who is this Lucas?Do you know him?Answer me."said his mom, in a damnding and desperate tone.

Jungwoo just sat there, still trying to understand what just happened.That's when a slap brought him back to the real word.

"Answer me when I talk to you!"said his mom.
"Yes, I do know him but I don't talk with him that often."
"Why isn't it a girl?"

Jungwoo shrugged.How the hell is he supposed to know?

"Oh, you think this is nothing, huh?Do you know how much shame I'm feeling right now?You dissapointed me.You disgust me."said his mom.

Jungwoo just stared into space, this hatred from his own mom overwhelming him.He can't take this many insults at once.

"Do you know how shameful it is to have a gay son?The girls at work asking "Oh, does your son have a girlfriend yet?" and you having to say that he's gay.You're embarrassing me."

He wishes she would just stop.

She throws insults at him, such as fag and disgusting and more.He quietly takes it in.

"That's it.I'm going out.You can live in my house but you have to pay for your own food.Don't talk to me:I need time."

She went out.

Jungwoo was still trying to figure out what just happened.It was too much for him at once.He just went to his room.

Million thoughts were running through his head.He sat on his bed and sighed, rethinking about the whole discussion.

He just kept staring and stari g at nothing.As if there was nothing left.As if he was the last person on the planet.As if he had no one.

If only this so called 'God' was nicd enough to not make Jungwoo go through this.If only He was nice enough to make his soulmate a girl.

If he didn't get a phone call, he would've kept spacing out.

It was Doyoung.

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