♤Don't You Dare♤

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It was after school. Dongho opened up his locker to get his stuff.
However, he noticed a folded piece of paper.

"Meet me in the alley between Starbucks and H&M in town at 4 PM sharp. I have a suprise for you ♤
-Your Secret Admirer ♡"

Hell yeah, I'm shooting ny shot today!

Dongho assumed it was a girl who wanted to get laid. He didn't mind giving the girl what she wants. He wants it too.

Dongho already started walking. Town is really far so he'll get there.

He kept fixing his hair in all of the windows he saw. But it's a little too greasy to do anything to it.

He was waiting around until it was 4 PM. When it was 4 PM sharp he ran to the alley. It's really dark but it'll fit the mood, right?

When he got there he saw a girl with long, brown hair and a red, flowy dress. When she turned around, Dongho's jaw dropped.

She's gorgeous.

"Hey, baby. What's your name?"asked Dongho.
"Huang Renwei."
Dongho couldn't resist. He couldn't wait anymore.

He slammed Minwei against the wall, cold concrete hitting her back. He immediately put his lips on hers. The kiss was very rough. It had no emotion. It was just lustful.
Dongho couldn't see but her eyes were wide open.

Minwei put her leg up on Dongho. This made Dongho go even harder on the kiss. He even started exploring her mouth with his tongue.

Between their lips comes a short, rough breath. They pant for a second and go back to kissing.

Dongho puts his hand on her cheek and slides it over to her neck, then her chest (and he noticed she doesn't have a big chest)and then her stomach.
He then starts kissing her neck and sucks on a spot.

Minwei lets out a small moan. Dongho then slides his hand down to where he shouldn't.

Hang on.
Something's not right.

He pulls away.

"Woah, hang on. Are you actually a guy?" asked Dongho, disgusted.
"You love me for everything you hate me for."said the 'girl', dropping the fake girl voice.
He could recognise that voice anywhere.

It's Huang Renjun.

Dongho goes to punch Renjun. However, Renjun catches his fist in his hand. He then ends up twisting Dongho's arm, bad enough for it to hurt but not enough for it to break.

Renjun let's down his guard for a second. Dongho takes advantage and punches Renjun in the cheek.

Renjun takes Dongho's head and slams it on his knee. He noticed Dongho's nose is bleeding.

Last move, Renjun kicks Dongho where it really hurts. Dongho is on the ground now.
This doesn't mean Renjun is finished. He stomps on that area a couple of times before turning away and leaving.

However, Dongho grabs a rock and throws it at Renjun. He aimed for the head and that's exactly where it hit, making Renjun stumble a bit.

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