You're Pathetic.

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The team began skating, the had been doing sprints for what felt like hours. Lexi was relieved when their coach finally blew the whistle for them to take a break. The small girl basically fell down on the ice sprawling out like a star fish face down. Her boyfriend kneeled beside her laughing softly, she lifted her head and threw her middle finger up "shut up gorgeous" she whined.

Charlie skated over to Bombay to speak to him but the exchange lasted only a few seconds and soon the team was up doing more sprints. All of a sudden the whistle blew and Bombays voice barked out "Alexis, get over here now". The girl jumped at the sound of her name and began skating over. The rest of the team looked at each other in confusion.

"Now I don't know what's gotten into you but this pathetic crap you do has got to stop, I heard you literally speaking to a picture before the game, and before you say you were just talking to your dead friend I really don't care, you're weird, I don't want a weird person on my team so cut it out before I have to bench you. You've had two years to mourn get over it" the man spat out, the rest of the team looked on in shock but the girl just nodded not making eye contact.

The coach not liking the response got up closer in her face "I don't know who the hell was out there on the ice today but whoever it was was the biggest disappointment ive ever seen in my life, you're pathetic" he yelled at her.

The girl felt tears prick her eyes but she tried to blink them back, she wasn't going to cry, at least not infront of him. 

"Hey!" she heard a voice yell "You have absolutely no right to talk to her like that" her boyfriend stated angrily as he skated towards the pair. 

The girl just raised her hand to stop the boy "Its okay gorgeous" she muttered before turning her attention to Bombay. "You're right, I am a disappointment, but don't you worry im used to it. But for the first time in my life I know im not the biggest dissapointment in the room, because that's you Bombay, these people work their butts of for you and you treat them like trash, I usually keep silent but no more. Youre a bully, thats what you are, a big fricken high school bully who the second things don't go his way always looks for someone else to blame. I may have to respect you as a coach but I certainly do not respect you as a person." The girl spat out.

The whole team were standing there jaws dropped as they listened to the small girl "and you know what, I have a right to mourn my lost friend, I have a hole in my heart where she used to fit and everyday that hole might get smaller but it will never close, I will always miss her. So if you have a problem with that, i'll go. Because id rather be able to be myself and go home then play for someone who expects me to be a certain image. My whole life I've had the problem of feeling like im not good enough, that Im not worth anything, ive finally started to accept that I am and im certainly not going to let you ruin that for me" she ended, she looked at her coach who stared in shock.

She turned to her team "sorry guys" she said softly before skating off.

It took Adam Banks .2 of a second to begin to follow his girlfriend out the door.

"Adam Banks you stay right there son" Bombay warned.

The boy turned to him with a deadly look "fuck off Bombay". he stated simply before skating off.

Charlie didn't take long before he followed, creating a ripple amongst the team and leaving only Gordon standing there.

The team loaded onto the bus and waited as Adam went after his girlfriend.

Adam chased after the girl who had threw her skates off and was walking barefoot down the street. "Lexi, Hey Lexi!" the boy yelled as he finally caught up to her, he grabbed her arm quickly turning her to face him.

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