Where are you going?

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Lexi Summer arrived at her front door, exhausted from all the travelling she had done. Her boyfriend had gone home to unpack and catch up with family then would be heading over to nap with the girl. She was excited to be back in her massive bed, cuddling with Adam on two single mattresses could only be so comfortable. 

The girl inserted her key in the door and frowned, noticing the door was unlocked, she knew that Isaac would be at school, it was a Friday. She stepped inside and saw her father, he was rushing around throwing his belongings into a suitcase. 

The man had yet to noticed her, Lexi was excited that he had come home to see her, but she frowned in confusion when she saw the suitcase he was packing.

"Dad?" she asked softly as she walked towards him. The mans head shot up and he froze as he looked at his daughter "uh, Hey Lexi" he muttered.

The girl ran towards him and pulled him into a hug, she noticed he didnt hug her back and her confusion increased.

"Why are you packing? Where are you going?" she asked as she looked up at him and sent him a smile. 

"Look, kid" he said as he didnt make eye contact with her. "You weren't meant to be back yet, I was going to leave you a letter" he said as he placed it down on the coffee table. 

"A letter? What for?" the girl asked as she tilted her head slightly.

"Look, ill just be honest, i met someone when I was travelling, a woman and she's wonderful. She has two beautiful successful kids and a large house and ive been staying there, ive fallen in love. Theres nothing against you or Isaac but life is just better without you two around, you know what I mean?" the man said so calmly that Lexi almost thought it was a joke.

"Okay, you met a new women, why are you packing though?" she questioned further.

"You're not good for me Lexi, life with you is hard, ive tried my best but I continued to be let down, Carol's kids have nothing wrong with them, I never have to worry about them crying or having mental breakdowns all the time. It's been hard work putting up with you and your brother all these years without your mother, this women gives me a chance at a new life, and id be crazy if I didnt take it" her dad continued.

Lexi felt anger run through her veins "you haven't put up with us" she spat "you are never here, you're always working, for gods sake do you know how many times I needed you? How many times I cried myself to sleep because I needed my dad? Do you know how many times Isaac had to step up and basically be father to me because you couldn't, you say life with me is hard but let me tell you something, life with you was even harder, so if this is your way of leaving, or taking the easy way out just go. Because I dont want to see your face" she spoke so calmly that it scared her father.

Her dad just looked down, guilt seeping through his body but the man didn't care, he had shown how heartless he could be, and clearly he didn't mind if he didnt redeem himself.

"You guys can still stay in the house, and you can keep your credit cards, ill never cut you off financially" her dad informed as if that would help.

The girl laughed humourlessly "I dont fucking care about money, it was never about the money for me. It was about having a father that loved for me and cared for me. It was about feeling loved for once in my life. But ill never get love and I never did, at least not from you, so im done, you can go, get out of here and never come back, even though Isaac isn't 18 yet im sure we will manage, we have done without you for most of our lives Shane, what's a few more years" she informed him looking up at him with anger, she picked up the letter and threw it at him "I dont want to read whatever excuses you made".

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