The Big Game

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a.n Hey so the Iceland game is going to be a few chapters sorry not sorry haha

The teams skated out to their respective benches, Lexi looked up into the crowd scanning for her best friend. She made eye contact with the boy and sent him a big grin, Alex just responded with an even bigger grin and a small wave. Lexi noticed he had left a spare seat beside him, she smiled as she realised it was there for Ellie. 

The team stood around each other in their huddle "heads up, stand tall, fly straight! USA" Gordon yelled out before the team responded "All the way"

Lexi staked out on the ice and stood next to Averman, the other side of him stood Guy. The puck was dropped and immediately Averman hit the ice, Lexi quickly helped him up and began skating away.

Lexi had the puck and quickly slid it to Guy, she watched as the boy raced along the board only to be shoved down and smacked into the boards. The girl shook her head in anger watching as her friend slowly got up. 

The play continued and Golberg was tripped infront of the net allowing Iceland to score.  The girl          watched as her enemy skated up infront of her goalie "too slow big boy" he teased, the girl just skated past him "shut the fuck up idiot" she said as she went to the bench for her line change .

The girl sat herself down next to connie and her boyfriend, watching as Guy and Ken both took the ice along with Russ, Portman and Jesse. Russ attempted to get his shot off and equal the score but was quickly pushed into the boards by Stahl and Sanderson.

Lexi grinned as the boy wound up for a knuckle puck but quickly frowned as she watched an Iceland player slid in and stole the puck, skating along before anyone in her team could stop him and passing to Sanderson who was in the slot and sailed the puck into the net.

Lexi had been on the bench a while and her team was getting thrown around like rag dolls,  Adam hadn't gone on yet and lexi was glad, she worried he would get hurt. Her relief didnt last Long as Bombay told him he was on and to be careful, the boy slid on his helmet and quickly shot a look to his girlfriend. 

"You got this gorgeous" she smiled reassuringly as the boy blew her a kiss and hopped over the boards. 

The girl grinned as her boyfriend began skating along, trying his hardest to protect the puck, her smile dropped as the boy spun in a circle and Sanderson smashed his stick into the boys wrist.

The girl heard her boyfriend yell in pain and she sprung to her seat  "I WILL FUCK YOU UP SANDERSON" she yelled as she attempted to jump the boards, Charlie quickly grabbed her waist and sat there back down holding her in place as they watched Sanderson go to the box.

Adam Banks skated to the bench and sat down, his girlfriend rushing over to him and pulling off his helmet as coach asked him if he was okay.

"Im fine it just hit the pad, really" Adam said as he looked at his coach. Bombay seemed to accept the answer as he walked back to the other side of the bench. 

"Are you sure, you're okay?" The girl asked unsurely as she held her boyfriends wrist in her hand and softly brushed her fingers over it, attempting to sooth it. 

"I promise cutie" the boy said, Lexi looked up and into his eyes, she could tell this time he was telling the truth, she knew he wouldn't lie again.

"Okay, well ill be back, I have a job to do" she said softly as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before standing up, she walked over to coach while putting her helmet on.

"Time to go beat a bitch again" she mumbled as she approached Bombay.

"Coach, im ready to go on" she informed him as he looked down at her "Lex, your line change isn't next".

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