Thanks for not killing me

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The team once again stepped out onto the rink, they had practice for the championship game. The game was only a week away and to say lexi felt like the team was underprepared was an understatement, they needed to improve if they didn't want to get their butts handed to them again. They were good but they weren't Iceland good. 

Bombay decided to group the children in 3's and have them each focus on their weaknesses, starting from the very bottom until they had mastered their task. Lexi was grouped with her first line left wing and centre, coincidentally they were also known as her two best friends.

 Usually it would be Adam at centre but due to his injury Charlie had been promoted to first line. The three were tasked to work on their passing back and forth and challenged to create some plays that would help them with their offence. 

Lexi turned to the two boys and smiled as they headed over to her. Guy sighed dramatically whilst shooting her a big grin "ugh working with Little Lex and Spazway could it get any worse" he groaned, though the two knew he was joking.

"Yes, yes it could" Lexi laughed pointing over to the other side of the rink, the boy turned his attention to see Portman and Fulton practicing their defensive shots on their 3rd group member, Averman. All three children let out sharp breaths as they watched Averman be pushed down multiple times.

Guy slung his arm around Lexi and pulled her in tight "okay I take it back, I love you Lexi Summer, thanks for not killing me"

The girl grinned and went to respond before Charlie cut them off "really over not being included" he said opening his arms "bring it in friends, bring it in" he demanded. 

Lexi and guy looked at each other rolling their eyes before charging at Charlie and wrapping him into a group hug, the three hit the ice laughing. 

Lexi had landed on top of Charlie as he groaned in pain, he looked at the girl laying on his chest and she shot him a cheeky smile "Thanks for breaking my fall char bear". The boy couldn't help but smile back "Anytime loser".

Lexi saw Adam skating over towards them with a grin on his face, he sent the girl a wink "alright, Bombay has sent me over here to actually make you guys do something because its been 5 minutes and he hasn't seen one puck be passed".

The three huffed standing up, "ugh coach banks, yuck" Charlie said teasingly. "He will play favourites I bet, he is in love with the little one over there" he said stage whispering to Guy.  

Lexi just looked at the boy and sent back a quick response "just because you're secretly in love with him and you're jealous Char " she said teasingly.

Charlie rolled his eyes "the only person I like is that pretty thing over with Jesse and Luis" he stated, pointing towards Sadie who was trying to help Lus stop along with Jans and Jesse. Lexi noticed as his eyes lit up as he talked about the girl she grinned to herself, remembering to play match maker later.

Adam pulled out a small blue whistle and walked closer towards the three, blowing it to get their  attention. The teens jumped as they turned their attention to see Adam Banks grinning "get it together losers and cutie, we dont have all day" he teased.

The group rolled their eyes but began practicing nevertheless working on developing their chemistry, Lexi and Charlie hardly ever played on the ice together, she was usually opposite Adam. The two were looking forward to test their skills together in quite possibly the biggest game of their careers. 

Lexi was skating along hollering for Charlie to pass her the puck, the boy swung hard to pass but in usual spazway style he missed and sent himself toppling to the ground, the girl raced over to help him up, of course not before laughing so hard with guy that she was leaning on him for support with tears in her eyes.

It took around 3 hours for Gordon Bombay to call practice to and end , the group was tired but they felt accomplished. Lexi was in locker room sprawled across the benches waiting for all of her teammates to finish for them to head to the back to the dorms, her head was resting on her boyfriends legs as he stroked her hair whilst he talked to Charlie. 

 The girl was exhausted, the past few weeks had been really taking its toll on her, thats why she found  it easy to drift off to sleep on Adam Banks lap in a matter of seconds.

The team had finally managed to get everyone ready to leave, Adam Banks went to stand up before noticing his girlfriend had fallen asleep, Julie had noticed the girl too and let out a small squeal getting the teams attention "she's so cute" she said grinning down at a sleeping Lexi. 

The team rolled their eyes but agreed with her as they all let out small smiles all of them beginning to head out. Adam reached down to wake the girl up, connie suddenly snapped "dont you dare wake her up Banks, she's exhausted".

The boy sighed "I cant carry her, my arms in a sling Connie" Charlie step towards the pair "allow me cake eater" he said before picking the small girl up bridal style with absolutely no effort as she remained sleeping. Adam smiled and grabbed the girls bag following them out. 

Charlie carefully placed Lexi at the window seat, at the sudden sitting up motion she opened her eyes, sending him a small smile as she let out a yawn. The boy slid into the seat next to her hand she immediately laid her head on his shoulder "I love you Char" she said as she softly drifted back to sleep, the boy pressed a kiss to the side of the girls head "I love you little lexi" he said as he smiled to himself. 

Truth be told Charlie loved Lexi more than anyone else in his life, aside from his mother of course. The girl had been his best friend since she was born, growing up they had spent almost every minute of the day together. They had been there for each other when they cried and for every possible milestone that each other accomplished. Honestly the boy didnt know where he would be without the girl.

The boy often wished he could shield the girl from the world, she was too pure and innocent for some of the things that had happened to her, he knew she would be okay though, she lived by the motto "Ellie promised everything will get better".

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