Chapter 8

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The next day

I woke up ready to start the day. When my phone ring signalling a message. 'Sup Idiot you awake? I gotta remind you about later at 11. Meet me at the bus stop near school. Don't be late' I glanced at the clock its already 9. I guess I overslept. I did my morning routine and picked an outfit.  I wore a yellow dress with a blue ribbon on the back and black flat shoes. Its 10 now I grabbed my bag and phone then left. I just walk since my house is just a walking distance to school. I'm a bit early so I just sat down and waited for Tamura.

Its 11 I can already see him walking towards me. "Your early, shit I thought I was going to wait for you here." "So what's the plan, where are you taking me?" He laughed "That's for you to find out. Come on the bus is here."  We got in the bus.

We're now at the town square."Say you hungry?" "I could eat I guess." He looked right and left "There!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a restuarant, a fancy looking one. "Wait! Your taking me there? No way I need to save money. My parents cut off my budget in half.""Relax idiot, its on me." "But I-"  He ignored me and talked to the receptionist. He led us to a table at the back. We sat and looked at the menu. My eyes almost fell from the prices. Its too damn expensive, it costs more than my rent.

"So what do you like?" "Um look your a really nice guy a bit of stubborn too. But I can't be a burden to you considering we've only met like a week ago. I can't just let you pay for my meal." "I insist plus this is a one time deal." "No really no thanks!" "Fine then." He ordered his food and once it came. I almost drool from the smell of it. "Want some?" "No thanks" "Suit yourself then." He took a bite slowly. He's just tempting you, just ignore him.

A minute passed by and boy I was hungry. I could hear my stomach rumble. And here Tamura was eating "Are you sure you don't want to eat?" "Yup I'm fine." "Come on please! Your gonna starve yourself." I gave in eventually, I can't no longer resist it. "Here! I'll feed you, open wide." He took a spoonful of his food. I opened my mouth and fed me. I savored the taste of it and it was delicous. "Taste good right? Here I'll feed you." "You know I could feed me myself." He ignored me and forced me to take another bite. "You got a bit of food on your mouth." "Wh-where?" "Here I'll get it for you." He brushed his thumb on the side of my mouth. I could feel my cheeks getting redder.

After I'm done eating, Tamura paid for the food. We were about to leave when "Harada! Over here!" I turned around only to be greeted by Tonuro. "Hey! Tonu-san nice to see you here." "Nice to see you, say what are you doing here?" "I'm on a date." "With who?" Then an arm snakes inyo my shoulders like a protective shield. "With me." "Oh, say would you like to join us. I'm out with my friends." "Oh um I would like to but-" Before I could finish Tamura pulled me out of the restuarant.

He let go of my hand and stopped at the park, a familiar one. "What was that about?! Don't you know how rude that was?!" I shouted at him, he ignored me. "I'm talking to you?! Don't you turn your back on me?!"  He started walking and of course I followed him. I kept shouting at him but still no answers.

He stopped walking, I was paying no atttention and bump on him. I looked at his way and saw a bike rental. "Do you know how to ride one?" "Huh?" "I said do you know how to ride a bike?" "Yes but I'm a bit rusty. I haven't rode one in years." I laughed a bit from the memories I had when I was younger. I got lost in my mind until I snapped out of it. And saw him renting one,"Here sit on it. Once I pushed you, you start to pedal. Got that?" "Wh-what wait I'm-" He started pushing the bike guiding me. I put my feet on the pedals. Then he let go, I'm quite nervous riding one. I couldn't balance it so I just closed my eyes preparing for the impact to make contact with my skin. But it never came I opened my eyes and I'm actually doing it! I'm riding a bike. I'm so happy , I turned around and head towards Tamura. He seems relax and somehow calm looking. "See? You can ride one. Come on let's ride around the park." "Sure!"

We went around the park and enjoyed the scenery. I haven't felt like this in ages. I glanced at Tamura and saw him smiling. He rarely smiles even at school. I just wanted this day to last.

It was getting late and we decided to head home. We returned the bikes and went home. I was exhausted and really sleepy. We arrived at my apartment at 9, it was very late and I convinced Tamura to just stay here instead. He refused but I kept convincing him and he agreed.

I changed at my pajamas and started cooking dinner. Then I felt arms wrapped around my waist and head placed on my shoulder. I really want to break free but something inside of me don't. He pressed a kiss on my cheek going down on my neck. I'm starting to blush "Blushing already? I barely did anything." He moved his hands higher until he could cup my chest. Oh no this is going to be a long night.

Desires (A Yarichin Bitch Club Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin