It was Saturday

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It was Saturday when it happened. I was walking along the streets, making my way through the crossing. With an umbrella on my hand. I watched as the rain poured softly against my umbrella. I was so focused on the rain that I didn't notice the car about to hit me. And that's when I felt a hand pushed me.

I looked up to see my savior. I was expecting a grown man. But surprised when I saw a boy about my age. "Are you ok?" Baffled I said nothing. I was captivated by his features. Everything about him is so perfect. That's when she went to the picture. "Hey,babe are you ok?" Babe? Is this his girlfriend? I mean its possible for a guy like him to have a girlfriend. "Yeah! I just helped her." "Oh! That's so cool of you! No wonder I fell for you~" Ewww! Public Display of Affection gross. He just laughed and offered me his hand, helping me up. "Well are you going to say something?" "Don't be like that. I'm sure she's still confused after what happened." "Still she should be grateful." I am grateful. Grateful to be saved by him. I just couldn't form any words from my mouth. "Stop that." "Hmp! Fine!" She grabbed his hands and left. After they left all I could do is stare at the aisle that they went. I was probably still daydreaming. Then I heard a loud sound of cars honking. That's when I noticed that I'm already wet.

I got home quite late. Getting a bus to ride home was really hard. Instead of warm welcoming all I got was deafening silence. My parents was rarely at home. I quickly changed my clothes and head to my bedroom. As soon as I layed down all I could think of was him.

Then the next morning it happened again. And no I wasn't recklessly crossing the streets. I met him again. Then that's when it happened. A strong feeling inside me brewing. I never felt anything like this before. Before I met him.

We continued talking. We spent time together. Its not that long really but atleast I got to see him and be with him even if its only a minute. I just wished his plastic b*tchy girlfriend would leave him. I meam he deserves someone better. Like me

Its Saturday today. I began to notice his sudden change of behavior with me. He began distancing him away from me. When I greet him he would just turn and left, like I'm not even there. When I confront him about this he would just say he's busy. Its like he didn't even care about me at all.

Its been 2 months after what happened between us. I rarely see him now. And even if I did, I just looked away. Sometimes when I walk home I sometimes see him alone with a frown on his face. I wanted to say something or cheer him up but I know it would work. He hated me and I should just accept that.

Its Saturday today. Mom asked me to pick up some groceries. I bought my umbrella with me. The one that I used when I first met him. A storm is coming out and I wouldn't want to get wet with all the groceries on my hand.

Its quiet night at 6. I just finished and I was about to go home. I head straight towards the bus stop. When a familiar figure was there walking. It was him. He looked so pale.

Everytime I saw him all I could remember was him avoiding me. I probably shouldn't waste my time with him. He would just avoid me again like the last time. And I bet mom is getting worried. That's when he lost balance. I hurried to him as fast as I can. "Hey are you ok?" I asked him. "Y-yeah I'm fine." I held his hand. The feeling of his hand on mine is so pleasant. Its like two puzzle pieces that fit together. Its like we're meant to be.

"Why are you here? *cough* You should go." That's when the rain started falling. I quickly took out my umbrella. I could tell from the look of his eyes that there's something wrong. I wanted to ask him but I couldn't. So I kept my mouth shut. "Why are you doing this?" "Hm?" "Why are you helping me?" "Isn't that what friends are for?"

"Friends?" His voice began to change. Its like he despise that word. "Why would you consider me as a friend?" "Its because you helped me." "But I treated you like a garbage. I didn't even bother to try and talk to you. I acted like your not even there. So why call me that?" "Friends are still friends no matter how bad you treated them. Its what True Friends stands for. And that's why forgiveness is made. Because a lot of people make mistakes even friends."

This is just a short story I made from the previous chapter. The part where how her parents met. Idk why I made this it just came out of my head. Its not a part of the main story. Btw thank you guys for the undying support. I know I've been gone for a about 2 to 3 weeks without an update. And now I'm making up for it. And again thank you and stay safe

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