Chapter 33

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Today was my 2nd month here. Time flies so fast. I was walking at the main corridor. I made my way to my locker. I grabbed my books and pens. When I heard a familiar voice. "Harada!" I looked behind me. I was caress by a pair of arms. "I've missed you." "Akemi-senpai!" "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost." "N-no! Its just I'm not used to things like this." "Well you better now! I will make sure you'll get a hug everyday from yours truly." I feel my cheeks getting hotter. "Uh no need for that!" Just when I was about to leave. Another pair of arms began wrapping around me. "Oh Itome sweetie you're here! Can you help me with her? She said she need a hug or two." He only smiled and the two began bear hugging me. I mean its really sweet but I'm just not used to this. Then the bell rang. "Too bad we had to stop this. Anyway see you later!" "See you too."

As soon as I closed my locker another person went up to me. "Harada-chan!" To my surprise it was Yuu and Toono. "Hey guys! Long time no see!" "Tell me about it! Yuu here won't stop asking me where you are." Yuu just avoided my gaze as blush formed around his cheeks. "Awww! Really!" "That reminds me a teacher wanted you to visit him." "Huh? Who?" "I think its your uncles secretary or something. He said its important." "Okay sure! Where?" "That the principals office. Anyway that's all see you later!" "See you!" Just then Yuu came up to me and hugged me. "I'm glad your back." "Its nice seeing you too." After that I left and head to class.

Its lunch time and I was heading towards uncle's office. As I opened the door a nostalgic feeling. "Sebastian!" "Madam!" I went in for a hug. Wow I haven't seen him for years. Sebastian was my father's old friend. And my caretaker when I was a child. Ever since my father left to deal with his 'business' He tag along with him. "How are you?" "I'm fine ma'am." "You shouldn't have to call me that." "I know but its my respect to you and your father." We sat down a bit and catch up. "There's something going on your father's trip. Your mother sent me here, she said she couldn't talk to you right now. She also mentioned that you never came when she was here. Anything you could say about that." Shit he's on to me. "I was taking care of my classmate. He was very ill." "You didn't went to see your mom because of your friend. Now I see why she's upset. You should've said something to her, she would've understand." "I know I'm sorry." "Anyway your uncle couldn't come home since he insisted to lend your father a hand. Now your mother sent me here to pick you up. She cannot let you here roaming over without supervision." "But Toono's watching me." "You mean that guy I talked earlier? Look I don't know him and mom doesn't either. Your father and uncle is doing everything that they can just to protect your family. Going home is atleast you could do. Plus I'm tired of listening to your mom scolding me." "Alright then." I just came back from school and now I'm leaving again. Sebastian took notice of it and put a hand on my shoulder. "Look its not that your mom is being strict, a little. But she's doing what's best for you." "I know." "Come on let's go." "Can I say goodbye to my friends first?" "Sure."

I ran as fast as I can towards the clubroom. As soon as I opened the door everyone seems to enlighten to see me. "Harada-chan! Glad you're here, come on were about t-" "Um.. Actually I'm not staying." That seems to caught everyone's attention. "I'm leaving today." "WHAAAAA! "No way." "You can't go!" "Why? You just got back here?" "I know but its urgent really!" I looked at the ground. I couldn't look at their faces. Then I was tackled on a group hug. "Just be safe." "Come back early." "Just call us when you need it." I only nodded. We broke off the hug. Then a loud honk coming from outside. I looked at the window to see Sebastian inside the car waiting for me. "Welp I guess this is goodbye. I'll see you soon."

I made my way downstairs, got into the car. But before I did I looked back at the window it see them there waving for me. I waved back and smiled. I got in and watched while trees and houses passes by.

Sorry for not updating in a while I got sick. So heres a new chapter for you. I'm feeling a lot better now. Thanks for the continous love and support I kept getting. Saty safe guys!

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