Chapter 17

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"Come on hurry up!"  I was running with Toono behind me. For a guy he seems to have low stamina compared to others, unlike Yuri shit he run like a tiger. I saw him running and Tamura chasing him."Your too slow!?" " I'm sorry Harada-chan but this is the fastest I can go." I stopped running and looked at him. He's already covered in sweats, I laughed at how soft he is. "Fine! I'll just help you." I kneeled down "Hop on!" "WHAAAAT you can't carry me! I'm too heavy!" "Just try it! I'm out of ideas(really I'm out of ideas sobare with me. Lol). Its close by." "Fine!" He hopped on my back and we're off.

He's so light what is he made off, air?(just imagine she's strong ;p)

Finally we're here! We ordered our meals and took a sit."woah!" "Wait you've never been here?" "Yeah! I don't go out very often." "Well then maybe we should do this every week. Plus I got to spend time with you!" He's cheeks reddening. Its so cute seeing guys blush( I feel like I already wrote that from my past chapters)

Our meals came and we ate. We began telling stories and jokes. Then "Toono-kun! Harada! Its so nice to see you here!" "Hi!" "Harada! Harada's here~" "Oi! Yuri come back here!!" "Are we done yet I have something to take care of" "Hey guy- Oh hey!" 

"What are you guys doing here? Oh no are you two on a date? Are we disturbing you?" "Uh no! Akemi-san we're just eating. You guys can join too!" All the five of them sat down at our table. I was sitting next to Shikatani-kun. "You know its very rude not to invite us. I was so heartbroken!" "We're sorry! We thought you guys are busy." "Apology accepted!"

"You and Toono seems close. Are you dating?" "Wha- where did you get that idea Shikatani-kun?" "I just notice you two alwats together and I'm just suspecting that maybe there's somerhing between you two." "No really there's nothing between us. My uncle assigned him to look after me that's why were always together." "Fine."
There's something on his demeanor that's making me curious about him. His one of those guys whose really hard to read. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I didn't realize I was staring too long. "Are you free?" "Huh? Yeah I'm free why?"  "Come to my room later." I blush harder (if that's possible). "O-okay!" "Eh? Harada-chan are you ok? Your red!" "Hm! Ye-yeah I'm fine Kashima-kun." Then I felt a hand on my thigh.My gosh! Its Shikatani's hand. Now I really looked like a tomato. His hand is cold which gives chills on my spine. No guy have ever done this to me before. "Are you sure your ok?" "She's fine Kashima-kun don't worry." I'm totally not fine. His hand is rubbing my thigh."Yeah! I'm fine!"

After finishing our meals, I gazed at my phone. Its 5:00 pm now we were parting ways. "Come on Harada-chan! Let's go!" "I'm sorry Toono-kun but-" A hand grasp my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Shkatani. "There's something I need to take care of." "Ohkay! Bye!" "Bye."

"Come let's go."

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