Chapter 37

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Hm? I wonder what's happening between those two. I hope their both fine. Gosh! Sounds like a lot of things happening right now. I can't wait to get back. I wish mom would let me. But no she's too paranoid of what's happening between uncle and dad. How's the others though? They wouldn't pick up their phone.

Tamura pov

I'm exhausted! I think its been days since I last had s*x. "Hey Shikatani! Do you have anything to eat here?" "No I don't store anything at the fridge." "Can you fetch me one?" "Tch! You people think its okay for you to boss me around just because I'm your senpai." "Please?" "Tch! Fine! Its bread right?" "Yep! Thank you!" Finally some alone time. What a day! First I'm running late then the incident at the club. The incident,hm. Akemi-san is right though. She's not the type of person to not check on someone. She's just busy probably still looking for her father. I just wished she would be back by now. Should I call her? It would be best if I check up on her. I really wish she'd pick up or else this is a waste of time. I quickly dialed her number on my phone. Without a sec later she answered it. "Hello?" "It's me Tamura. I was checking if you're alright? Akemi is really worried." And so am I. "So how's your day?" "Ah! Tamu-san! I'm glad you called. I kept dialling the clubroom's phone but no one would pick it up." "Oh we were busy." "Ah ok." "Not that kind of busy." Shit. "Sure~hahaha." Her laugh never gets old. I'm sure my cheeks are red now. "Anyway! I have to go. Tell everyone I said hi." "Sure." "Goodbye!" "Goodbye-" She hang up. I didn't even get to tell her the one thing I wanted to say.

That I miss her.

Harada's pov

Thank goodness Tamura-san called. I really do miss being in school. Wow Sebastian was right. Those guys do really hit me hard. Guess they have a soft spot on me. Not that I mind of course. They're special to ne atleast. I hope they feel the same towards me too.

"Harada!" "Yes mom!" "Come down. We have to talk." I quickly made my way downstairs only to be greeted with the same loving smile that I rarely see. "Dad!" I hugged him. "So good to have you here too,sweetie. Say how's your school?" "Everything's great in there!" "That's nice!" "How about we go and eat dinner. I bet your father is tired from his flight." "Sure!"

It's great seeing my parents together again. You could really see the love on their eyes. I wish someone would look at me like that. "So how's your first month there?" "It was fun!" "Glad you're having fun. Say I heard from your uncle that you've been gaining a lot of attention from those boys. Do you have a boyfriend yet?" "Of course she doesn't, right Harada? Plus your to young to be having one. You should focus on your studies first." "Says the one who sends me love letters everyday." "S-shut up!" "Anyway since dad is here can I go back to school now?" "Eager are we?" "You've grow attach to those peers of yours." "She did." "Sure you can go back tomorrow." "Thank you!" "Just take care of yourself." "Okay! Say where is uncle anyway?" "He stayed there for a bit. He still needs to sort some things out. He'll be back before you know it." "You can go now. Go to bed early." "Okay mom!" Yes! I can't wait to go back!

Sorry for the late updated! Online is being a b*tch lately. Hope you have a nice day!

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