Chapter 21

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What a day! I'm tired from all the walking but glad that I had a time with Yacchan. God his cute! I took off my shoes and head towards my bedroom. I got changed and took out my phone. Hm? No text from uncle yet. I was beginning to worry that something bad might happen to him. He haven't responded to my texts and calls.

In the corner of my eye I saw a reflection. I walked towards it to see what is it. To my surprise it was a present. Covered with a silver wrapper with a yellow bow. I could've sworn I haven't had this before. I grabbed it and a paper fell off.

'Use it for the school camp. You need it!'

I torn out the wrapper to find a luggage. Hm? Convenient! I guess mom had dropped this. But I never told her about the school camp. I opened it to find a scissor,flashlight,blanket. A note with it too.

'You'll need these!'

Now I'm creep out who sent this!? I never told anyone about my spare key and how did it get here.

"Quiet down Yuri! You'll draw attention!" "Beep-beep-BEEP!" "SHHH! I'm doing something here!" I should've never brought him here. I should've left alone but if I did he would tell Harada about this. "We're here! Come on!" "Sneaking~sneaking~ SNEAKING!~" "Shhh! You might wake up the neighbors. Now help me ." I was delivering a package for Harada. Itome-senpai said to give this to her. So I thought why not sneak in her room to left this. What is this anyway? Its HUGE!! Maybe a tv or something even mo- "Stop bumping on me!?" "Sowwy~" Why make me and Yuri deliver this when he could've done this by himself or maybe with Akemi. I turn the knob and it was lock."Lock?" "Yes Yuri its lock! Now help me find the key." We were searching for the key. I swear she would be the type of a person who'll leave a spare key. "Tamu-san~ Lookey~"  I saw what his pointing at. Its a gnome, it seems to be staring at something. "Gnomey looking there~" He pointed at the well. We made our way to the well. And saw nothing "What a let down! I thought the-" I was about to leave when Yuri shook my shoulder. "What is it?" "Lookey~" He pointed at the water. And then I saw it. The reflection of the key! Its at the roof of the well. "Great job! Yuri I could kiss you!Well tha- HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "You said you like kissy~" "That was just an impression." He pouted at that. "Come on! Let's go!"

We're in and whoa! Her house is pretty! Its so clean and smells like her too! "Tamu-san! Tamu-san! Lookey~" "Hm? What is it?" He was holding a picture of her when we were little. She's still as beautiful as ever. "You blushing~" "I-I was not!" I carefully placed the photo back from where it belong. "Come on let's head to her room and drop this." We made ourself to her room. And decide where should we left this. Itome's instruction said that it should be a surprise. "How about we leave it here? Yuri? YURI! What are you looking at?" I peeked at his shoulder to see what caught his mind. And it was her underwear drawer. My cheeks are burning. I could see Yuri is too. He pulled out a panty with hearts in it. And sniff it "We shouldn't touch her stuff ! Itome said so." "Uhh! No fun~""Now come on let- hmp!"  He kissed me "Sorry I can't wait any longer." It turned into a heated one. And cold air soon greeted me. I guess he was eager. I turned around and he shoved it already. "Hm~ Faster~" 

"That's it~ I'm close!" He thrusted faster and deeper. "AHHH~" We both came and that's when we heard talking. Oh no! She's here. I quickly wiped out the semen at my rear and on the floor. With the underwear Yuri was sniffing earlier. And dressed up, Left the package at the closet. Shoved the underwear at my pocket. Grabbed Yuri and his clothes. Made our way at the backdoor. Put the key at its rightful place and left.

Back at the present

Whoever left this might be stalking me. Oh well! I might as well use it or else it might go to waste. Plus whoever deliver it might went to trouble just to get it here. I took out clothes for my drawer. I was about to get some underwear for my drawer when I noticed one panty was missing. I just shrugged it off and went to packing my bags.

Just so you know the boys have rooms at the school just like at the manga. And Harada was living in a rental house.

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