Sibling Rivalry

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So in this one, Peter is either actually good at keeping secrets or everyone is really oblivious, whichever you find more believable. I haven't watched any of the Thor movies so if I get anything wrong... You have been warned!

A lot of people liked to think they knew everything about Peter Parker, for example, Tony Stark, Ned Leeds, and Michelle Jones. However, there was one thing that none of them knew: he wasn't actually a Parker. He was actually one of Odin and Frigga's two eldest children, the other being his twin sister Hela, the goddess of death. Peter Odinson, the god of light and nature, older brother to Thor and Loki was 17,000 years old, which could be roughly converted to 17 Midguardian years. 

His life was split firmly into two halves - the only exception being his sister - the half his parents knew about, and the side his friends at school knew about. His light and nature powers and his spider powers. He really should've known when the Avengers joined his patrol that his worlds were crashing together. It started like normal, practising his god powers in the park before swinging away to save people in the early hours of the morning. Then the Avengers invite him to the tower, he joins and by lunch the next day he and May had moved into the tower. (May already knew about Spidey.) 

He filled Ned and MJ in about what had happened over the weekend and returned to the tower after school. That night he called his parents and sister again letting them know about his progress with his powers, and in Hela's case his new living arrangements. Thor had arrived earlier and he had burst into tears before leaving and returning only to ignore him and take as long as possible to be helpful for him. When Thor tried to tell the others they looked at him like he'd grown another head, the child they'd all but adopted was nothing like that. 

Peter's week had been going pretty great until the field trip had been announced. They'd been given the chance to visit Asgard to watch the crowning of the heir - him. He'd moaned no and gone numb for the rest of the day, to the extent that when Ned had asked any god to make it so he didn't have to take a test Peter had used plants to restrain the teacher for the whole period. He wouldn't leave his room for the rest of the evening and neither would Thor or Loki, however, he had been on the phone the whole time so they just dismissed it as two separate things.

Ned was very confused about Peter's behaviour after finding out about the trip. He'd groaned at the prospect of going to another realm! Then he spent all his free time on the phone to people. All Peter told him when he asked was, "I'm on the phone to my sister. No Hela obviously not, you already have Valhalla. Goldilocks seemed convinced it was going to be him for some reason? Mum didn't mention anything yesterday. No, I didn't bring it up. Be there, Dad probably wants to assess us. Пако!"As well as the weird phone call when Ned had complained about the test he didn't want to take the teacher ended up never arriving. He'd spent the period debating what or where Valhalla was with MJ. 

The day of the trip arrived and he was still acting weird. Thor and Loki were going to be giving their tour and all Peter had said was that they probably couldn't tell up from down. Thor had called the Bifrost to take them to Asgard and people close to him would've sworn they heard Peter mutter a please. They arrived and Heimdall said welcome back to them, presumably Thor, the only person that could really be going between realms. Then they find out why the new heir is being crowned. "Odin and Frigga only have a few centuries left and want to retire, so they are giving the kingdom to their eldest son." Peter burst into tears AGAIN. 

By this point, his friends have given up trying to figure out what could possibly be so upsetting about this news, while Thor and Loki are rolling with it and guiding them to the castle. When they get there Odin appears to be scanning the crowds for someone, evidently finding them as he barked out a command. "I know I told you to blend in, but I expected you to come prepared. Go to your room and change then meet us in the garden. Your sister will arrive just before the crowning."

Nobody really notices when Peter slips away to the palace and only MJ has begun to form a theory. But it is nearly impossible, right? She would have noticed, surely. She was proved right as the whole group gasped when he reappears with the majority of the palace staff following. He dismisses them with a wave and a massive tree bends so that he can walk over them. The crowning was actually quite a small affair with the sparring that comes afterwards being the main focus.

They had the majority of Asgard trailing behind them as they went to the arenas, where Loki challenged Peter. Most people looked worried for Peter, apart from Hela, who stood there smirking. Loki was at the disadvantage as he wasn't aware of all of Peter's powers and that's how ten minutes later he was webbed and vined to the floor. Hela decided then would be a good time to intervene. "I know this happens a lot, but Loki stabbed you and while you have the opportunity you should help your healing along. Just saying." To solve the problem he sent a beam of hot, white light through it and seconds later it had healed, then he went and yelled bye to his parents and took the Bifrost home with his class.

It was a year later when the Avengers and May found out. Thor burst into the tower and yelled. "Siblings!" They were stunned at that statement and Clint fell out of the vents when Loki, Peter, and a stranger raced into the room. Unfortunately crashing through the window had caught the Avengers attention so it devolved into carnage. Peter used the plants to stop them from going through, summoned the Bifrost to take them to Asgard, got distracted and was followed by the rest of the team. Then they saw him get greeted as king, proceed to watch him blast a purple grape with lasers. Aforementioned purple grape didn't know he existed and was defeated instantly then Peter got the great honour of explaining to the newcomers what had happened and how common it was.

Words: 1131


Sorry, this is so late, I had more ideas and planned them but couldn't focus on the number of hours required to write this. Welp! Sorry! :'(

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