Poor Toomes Pt2

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Part 2. Shorter than Part 1, that's all.

Peter didn't intend to remain on this planet much longer, his dad would be coming later with Uncle Thor so hopefully, they could all go to New Asgard together. This is really the only reason he went to school today, other than wanting to teach Flash a lesson. Tony had screamed and dropped his 5th mug of coffee when Peter teleported into the kitchen for breakfast. They all dropped their drinks when he left for school, or in Happy's case the keys for the Audi.

There was quite a lot of panic when he appeared in the middle of the school entrance, which included students fainting while Mr Harrington worried losing another student on the trip they were taking today. Thankfully he managed to usher everybody onto the obnoxious yellow bus where MJ started to scream at Peter, "You can't just destroy a building and use going off-world as your excuse! You also can't just start teleporting! And would either of you like to elaborate on why your eyes were apparently green and you created an illusion!"

"Yeah, you have to blame my dad for most of that," Flash threw a paper ball at him that read 'ready to be exposed' and Peter whirled around, "You'll have to blame him for this as well!" He walked towards Flash, transforming into his Jotun form as his red eyes flashed (hehe a pun) dangerously. The air temperature quickly dropped below zero and ice crystals grew wherever Peter stepped. "You shouldn't cross a demigod. Be thankful this was amusing or else it could be worse," He growled and stepped off the bus. Cindy, who understood some ancient Norse, gasped and wondered how the bus driver had managed to ignore all of this.

Roger Harrington vowed that if they passed Tony Stark today he would beg the man for enough money to be able to retire. Tony actually agreed and at the end of the tour he was about to transfer the money but Thor and Loki arrived and he had to go greet them. Unfortunately, Peter got there first, "Dad!" He yelled and launched himself at Loki, "They all already know so can we go to New Asgard when you've finished visiting here?" Loki was almost as dumbfounded as the rest of them, nodding and being pulled inside. Flash never bothered anyone again, so at least one thing was accomplished today.

Words: 405

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