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Anything in another language is in italics.

Peter had been with Hydra since he was 3, however unbeknown to them he knew his true mother and didn't have any triggers, regardless of what they do. They sent him on several missions but he was allowed to live in New York when not on a mission. He had tricked them into letting him go to school but they would take him out every few months and this led to him getting expelled many, many times. Fortunately, he was smart enough to not need teaching anyway and only went for social reasons, that and it would let him be closer to his mother.

He met his mum's family under the alias of Spiderman and they became close, finding out about his other life. They discovered how the only reason he stayed with Hydra was that he enjoyed spying on them, but the next time they disrupted him at school if his mum's family helped he would fight back and join them to continue helping the little guy. They thought this was actually a wonderful plan so let him be. He would visit them under the guise of an internship which he did help and sometimes work at. The only problem was Flash, the school bully didn't believe it and the majority of the school agreed with him. The exceptions to this were his academic decathlon team, who he got on well with and was his main reason for fighting back against Hydra.

Finally, Hydra decided it was time to send him on another mission again. He first spotted them as Spidey and quickly webbed them up, only getting hit once. He figured that it would be fine asking Karen to swap to medical webs, and completely ignoring her when she said he had run out and would be using normal webs. At school, he met up with Ned, his best friend, who still didn't know about Spiderman. The rest of the team joined them soon after and went to the library for the morning of practice they would have, as it was the day before a tournament. It started fine, Peter answered all of his questions correct and Flash wasn't on the team so that in itself is a bonus.

When everything inevitably went downhill, it crashed and his day plummeted. First, the webs dissolved and he started bleeding from the not fully healed wound, then Karen spoke up and announced it to the class. They gaped at him and he groaned at Karen, who he had turned off and warned to only come on again if Hydra were coming to the school. Upon realising this he called his mum and told her to bring the team, silencing the teacher by telling him to let him do everything he had just and was about to do if he wanted to live. He webbed the wound to get it to continue healing and Ned promptly started fanboying, which meant the agents were on their way after hearing him. He told everyone to take cover and asked Karen how far away from his family was. "5 minutes out." Was her concerned reply. "Too far. Guess this is a solo thing then. If there's a next time remind me to try to find the others before continuing and forgetting about them, Karen." Peter sighed.

The agents burst into the room and yelled what they thought were the control words. Peter just stood there, displaying no emotion so the fairly new agents gave the orders. "Паук, remove all evidence of this then come to the main base for further orders. The mission will take place in three days, enough time for some new enhancements." Betty walked into the room unaware of what was happening. "Что? Would someone please explain what's going on and who these people are. Then tell me why Peter's known as Spider and is meant to be going on a mission in three days."
"To cut a looong story short, this is Hydra, I'm Spider-man or Agent Spider, andrto go on a mission in three days. However, that isn't going to happen as spying on them has grown boring and I want to catch up on missed family time. You maybe want to take cover now." With that Peter spring forward taking most of the agents down and quickly webbed them up.

The remaining few were about to run away, but they turned and came face to face with Black Widow. "So, I see you dealt with them in the most dramatic way possible. You becoming too much like Tony, мой ребёнок паук. We'll bring your poor teammates - and the smart girl that was in the wrong place at the wrong time - back to the tower so things can be explained properly and NDA's can be signed."
"Okay мама! C'mon, the rest of the team will deal with it and we don't need to be there when the Avengers walk in and get swarmed." With that Peter lead the way out to Nat's car (limo) and they all followed. They were too dumbstruck to do anything else, and explanations were probably going to help them get over it. The deciding factor was when Peter promised to go all out in PE against Flash in the Captain America challenge.

Words: 936


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