Past - 4

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As they were growing up the distance between Wei and Yunlan  relationship were becoming more and more . Though it can't caused love feelings of Wei for Yunlan any less than before rather now  Wei loves Yunlan more and more than before . 

But for Yunlan , he avoids Wei still  now . He even don't want to acknowledge Wei as his best friend anymore . Yunlan only talk with Wei only for gangster activities or infront of Zhao Xinchi to show his Dad that he still likes Wei as his best friend .  But in his heart he hates Wei to the core , atleast what Yunlan thinks still now . But Yunlan don't know why he also doesn't like the closeness between Wei and Yezun or Da Qing more than him . Yunlan just thought of a silly excuse for his different feelings for Wei . He thought .......  " I am just feeling bad because my best friend Yezun and Da Qing spends more time with my long time enemy Wei rather than spending time with me . Yes ....yes... only this is the reason , there is nothing else to think about . "

One day Yunlan was watching television in his room , suddenly Zhao Xinchi entered into his room and said ...... "  Son I have a mission for you at Zhu mafia clan .  All you need is to go there and make a deal with them about our machine gun supplies . And I am warning you Yunlan , don't you dare to cause any ruckus there . All you need is to do a peaceful deal with them . Don't you dare to use your fist over your brain .  "

Yunlan smiled looked at his Dad and said ......... " Dad ...Oh.....Dad .... don't be so worried , don't you believe me ? Don't you love your own son ? I am promising you Dad  , I will not cause any troubles for our Zhao clan .  Rest assured ."  and gave a cheeky smile at Zhao Xinchi .

At the mission ,

All the members of Zhao clan and Zhu clan were sitting together . Mr . Zhu said ...... " So what are your demands little master , Zhao Yunlan of Zhao clan ? "

Zhao Yunlan looked at Mr . Zhu and gave a provoking smile and said ..... " Look Mr . Zhu  , we  don't want any fighting today . We just came here to say you that please continue your supply of   machine guns to our clan . And we will protect your clan from any enemies who will cause troubles for you . "

Mr . Zhu looked at Yunlan and angrily said .... " And why do you all think that  Zhu clan can't protect themselves ?? "

Yunlan forcefully smiled at Mr. Zhu and said  ......."  You are asking why ? Don't you feel any shame to ask such a question ? Everyone in Dragon City knows there is only Shen clan which is best than Zhao clan . So don't you ever think about keeping foot on our Zhao clan ' s  tail . "

Mr . Zhu was going to punch on Yunlan's face when her daughter entered between them and said  something in Mr . Zhu ' s ear ..... " Dad ,  please think carefully  . Zhao Yunlan is right , we can't fight with them and I also heard that even in this generation Zhao Yunlan and  Dragon City ' best mafia Shen  Wei of Shen clan are best friends .  So Dad I think we should continue to supply machine gun to Zhao clan . "

Mr . Zhu thought on her daughter ' s words and said to Yunlan  ...... " Okay Zhao Yunlan we will continue our supply of machine guns to your clan . "

Zhao Yunlan looked at Mr . Zhu ' s daughter and said ...... " Hey beauty , you are the real example of beauty with brain . I think we can be friends from now on . Can you please tell me your name ? "

Mr . Zhu ' s daughter smiled at Yunlan and said ..... "  Mr . Handsome my name is Zhu Hong . And I am 100 %  sure we would be great friends .  "

Zhao Yunlan  then returned to Zhao Mansion and happily said to Zhao Xinchi ..... " Dad , I had kept my promise .  I had smoothly deal with Zhu clan and they had told that they will continue to supply machine guns to us .  " 

Zhao Xinchi smiled at Yunlan and pulled him into his embrace and said ..... " I am proud of you son that you can also use your brain over your fist . I am sure my cute little Wei will be happy to see that his best friend Yunlan can use his  brain rather than fight recklessly  without thinking about his safety and his life . "

Yunlan suddenly got angry on mentioning of  Wei ' s name and said ......... " It's okay Dad . Enough talking about today's mission . Now I am going to my room . Call me during dinner time . "

Wei returned to his house , Shen Mansion from the college . Mrs . Shen came towards Wei and said ..... " Son , how are you studies going on ? "

" It's going well , Mom "  ........ said Wei and smiled at Mrs . Shen .

Suddenly Wei ' s phone started to ringing  . Wei picked up the phone and said..... " Uncle , what happened why are you calling me now ? "

Mr . Zhao said ...... " Nothing son , I am just missing you  .  Would you please visit us now ? And one more thing Yunlan did a great job today at the mission of  Zhu clan  .  "

Wei can't say No to Zhao Xinchi and also he  was happy to hear the news about Yunlan , so Wei said .... " Okay uncle I am coming at your house within half an hour . " And cut the call .

Mrs . Shen looked at Wei and said ..... " So you has to go now at Zhao Mansion , ha ? Sometimes I think who you love more your Mom or your Zhao Uncle ?? "

Wei cutely smiled at his Mom and said ......." Obviously you Mom . But I love Zhao Uncle too . " And starting to doing his doer eyes  on his Mom .

Mrs . Shen smiled at Wei  ' s cute behaviour  and said ..... " Okay , okay I get it . And one more thing , also take Yezun with you to the Zhao Mansion . "

Wei said ....... " Okay Mom . I will  take my cute Didi with me to the Zhao Mansion to meet with Zhao uncle and Yunlan . "

IT'S YOU  ( WEILAN )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon