Present - 12

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It had been one week and as Shen Wei promised to Yunlan he didn't went to meet with Zhao Yunlan . He is missing Yunlan like a hell but as promised he can't go to meet with Yunlan . Shen Wei thought ...... " My Yunlan , I am missing you much . But I can't go to see you . Cause I don't want you to come back to me by showing pity on me . I want you to come back to me out of love . I will not force you... Yunlan .... I will not force you . I will live with my broken heart for rest of my life . But I want to see smile on your face if you really want to spend your rest of your life with that Jing Ran and if you are really happy with that Jing Ran . I can do everything Yunlan to see smile on your face . But I don't know why ,Yunlan ? ..... I don't know why ? ..... I am feeling like you will surely return back to me . "And started to  crying heavily .

Chu came infront of Shen Wei ' s room and knocked on the door . Hearing the  knocking sound , Shen Wei quickly wiped his tears and kept a stoic face and said .... " Come in .... Door is open . "

Chu quickly opened the door and went inside the room .

Shen Wei asked ...... " What happened Chu ? Why are you here ? "

Chu said ..... " Boss , we has to go for a mission at Mount Kunlan . Some secret Mafia Clan ' s are attacking us . We immediately has to wiped them away . I heard they has the best machine guns and grenades and swords with them .  If we can killed their all  or most of the  gang members and  captured their Boss , we will get all the weapons for our Clan . So what do you say Boss , should we attack them ? "

Shen Wei said .... " Okay Chu be ready and tell to all our gang members we are going to attack that secret Mafia Clan . I will also go with you all . Bring out my mission clothes , masks and weapons . "

Chu worriedly said .... " Boss , you will also come with us ? For the mission ? You don't have to Boss . I can manage our gang members on my own for this mission . "

Shen Wei was already in the bad mood thinking about Yunlan , suddenly he angrily said to Chu ..... " Chu , who is the Boss ? Me or You ? "

Chu quickly said ..... " I am so sorry ,  Boss .  I am quickly preparing your clothes and weapons for the mission . " And was starting to going out from Wei ' s room .

Shen Wei felt bad to talk with Chu like that . When Shen Wei suddenly said ..... " I am so sorry Chu . I don't want to yelled at you , I just was in a bad mood and I couldn't control myself . Please don't feel bad about my words . I really love you all , gang members , as  my family .  " 

Chu just smiled and said .....  " I know Boss . I am not sad for your words . I know you love all of us as family members . " And went away from Wei ' s room to bring Wei ' s clothes and weapons for the mission . "

Yunlan came out from Zhao Mansion and rode on his bike and went towards  Shen Mansion . 

At noon , Yunlan reached at Shen Mansion . He was going to entered into the Shen Mansion , suddenly he thought of something and asked to the security guard  ..... " Where is my Weiwei ? "

That security guard said ...... " Young Master Shen Wei had gone to a mission at Mount Kunlan with all members of his Mafia Clan . They were gone for fighting against  an unknown secret Mafia Clan . "

Yunlan worriedly asked ....... " When had they gone for the mission ?  "

That security guard said ..... " In the morning . "

Yunlan said ..... " What !  They had gone in the morning ? Till now they had not returned ? "

Yunlan thought ..... " Oh no , what happened to my Weiwei ! Why they are not returning ? It is almost evening soon it will be night time . " And started to worrying about his Weiwei .

Suddenly Yunlan ' s phone started to ringing . Yunlan quickly pulled out the phone from his pocket thinking it as his Weiwei ' s calls . But it was the call from Jing Ran . Yunlan immediately cut the phone call .

Yunlan then quickly rode his bike and  went towards the Mount Kunlan  . Yunlan started to thinking ..... " Oh God !  Please don't punish me like that . Please bring my Weiwei back to me . I can't live without my Weiwei . I know I had done a severe mistake by avoiding my Weiwei because of Jing Ran . But I am promising you now , from now onwards I will only  think about my Weiwei .  I will only spend time with my Weiwei  .  I will only see .... only love .... only care about my Weiwei . Please God .... Please bring my Weiwei back to me . Please .... God.... Please  .

At Mount Kunlan ,

Shen Wei and his gang members had fought with all the members of that secret Mafia Clan and had captured their Boss and their machine guns and grenades . But while attacking them Shen Wei had lost the track of road at Mount Kunlan and reached at the top of Mount Kunlan peak Wei ( Top of Mount Kunlan is known as Wei . ) and got lost in the peak Wei and without his gang members . Signal of  Wei ' s phone was also distrubing . So Wei can't contact any of his gang members . Wei thought .... " It is almost night time . I think I should wait for the morning then I will go infront of the Mount Kunlan and will try to get contact with my gang members . "

Shen Wei then started to walked around the Mount Kunlan to found a shelter   for the night . Wei only had few scratches on his legs and hands . Wei finally found a cave to live at the night . Wei thought he will spend the night in the cave . Wei was going to entered into the cave , when he heard a very familiar voice is calling his name .

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