Present - 10

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Wei got angry and sad at the same time . Yunlan and Jing Ran were kissing each other and didn't noticed Shen Wei yet . Wei angrily shouted ..... " Yunlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...... " Making both Yunlan and Jing Ran startled in their kissing . Yunlan guiltyly looked at Wei and pushed Jing Ran away from himself . And  then Yunlan looked at Wei and said ..... Weiiiiii...... Weiiii.... I....I ..... "

Jing Ran saw Yunlan was afraid of talking with Wei . So Jing Ran suddenly said ..... " Mr . Shen .... Mr . Shen..... I ....can..... explain . "

Wei angrily looked at Jing Ran and Yunlan and said ..... " Mr . Jing Ran , I don't want to hear any explanation from any third person like you about this matter what happened just now  . It is the private matter between me and my boyfriend . You should go now . Now goooo...... " And angrily looked at Jing Ran with red eyes and fuming face .

Jing Ran now came infront of Shen Wei and again said ....... "  Mr . Shen Wei , please give me a chance to explain about me and Yunlan . It is not what you are thinking . Please Mr . Shen Wei  , please let me explain .  After hearing my explanation you can decide what you want to do . Please Mr . Shen Wei , Please ..... Please ..... hear my explanation .  "

Jing Ran was going to starting to tell the explanation  to Shen Wei , when Shen Wei  angrily said .... " Mr . Jing Ran , I am giving you the last warning . Please ..... Go .... From ..... Here . I  want to talk with my boyfriend alone . Go ...........From...... Here ..... Right quickly .... "

Jing Ran again said .... " No I will stay here and talk with you , I will not go back before talking with you about me and Yunlan . "

Wei again angrily said ...... "  Mr . Jing Ran don't test my patience . I am giving you last warning go ..... from .... here . Or I will call my men  now . Now go away . "

Jing Ran stubbornly said .... " No I will not go away from here , Mr . Shen Wei  , keeping my Yunlan with a heavily angry boyfriend like you . What if you beat my Yunlan ? What will I do then ?   Judging from your appearance , I believe you will definitely going to do something bad with my Yunlan . I can't ensure my Yunlan ' s safety with a man like you . So I will not go away from Zhao Mansion now . And one thing more , it is not your house , that you can order me to go away from here . It is the house of Zhao Yunlan . I can stay here as long as I wanted and you cannot do anything . "

Then Jing Ran went towards Yunlan and said ....... "  Yunlan don't get afraid I will protect you from your boyfriend Mr . Shen Wei . "

Wei just irritatedly listened to all the words of Jing Ran and just smiled and quickly shouted ...... " Chu ,  immediately come here and take this man named Jing Ran out of my sight . "

Chu immediately came into Yunlan's room and took Jing Ran forcefully with him . But before throwing Jing Ran away from Zhao Mansion ,  Shen Wei said to Jing Ran ....... " Mr . Jing Ran , remember one thing I will never harm my boyfriend in my dreams too . So you don't have to worry about my boyfriend Yunlan anymore . "

After Jing Ran was gone . Yunlan and Wei sat down on the sofa sitting face to face . Wei angrily asked ..... "So what is the meaning of this , Yunlan ? Why it is to be come like this ? I really want to know ?  Do you have fallen in love with Mr . Jing Ran now ?   "

Yunlan replied ...... " I .... I .... am so confused , Weiwei . I don't know what to say to you . I just don't know why I kissed Jing Ran . I ... I ....  just cannot controlled myself . I can't just controlled  myself infront of Jing Ran ...... I felt like my heart is pushing me towards him . I tried to control myself . But I don't know why , why I can't ? I just feel like myself pulling towards Jing Ran . I feel like my heart pushed me towards Jing Ran . I am really very confused now , my Weiwei . Ever since Jing Ran showed up . I am really very confused . "

Wei then sadly looked at Yunlan and said .... " So Yunlan , what about us ? What about me ? Do you still likes me ? Do you still loves me ? "

Yunlan quickly said ..... " I really likes you . I really loves you , my Weiwei . But also I feel like my heart is pushing me towards Jing Ran . I also feel sad whenever I don't get to talk with her . I also feel sad whenever I don't get to see his smiling face . Whenever he is near me I feel like my heart is beating fast . So I don't know Wei , what should I do now ? I am really very confused now , Weiwei . "

Wei then angrily looked at Yunlan with sadness in his eyes and said ......." I have decided one thing about us , about our relationship . "

Yunlan eagerly asked ..... " What Weiwei ? What have you decided ? I don't forget about our relationship . I just need little bit more time to think about us , Weiwei . "

Wei directly looked at Yunlan and said ...... " I have decided that I will not distrub you anymore from now on . "


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Wei then also added ..... " And one more thing . I am giving you time to decide , Yunlan , with whom you want to spend your rest of your life . With me or with that Jing Ran ? But I am telling you , if you decided to live with me . Then I want to clear you one thing  , I will never let you go from me anymore . Till then I will not distrub you anymore or meet with you . "

Wei then suddenly remembered about something . Wei pulled out a paper from his office bag and give it to Yunlan .   Wei said with tears in his eyes  ...... "  Today I had made this marriage plans for our wedding . If you want to come back to me , then keep it and if you don't want to spend rest of your life with me then you can throw this plans of our marriage and spend your rest of your life with that Jing Ran . " And then Wei  went out of Yunlan ' s room leaving a confused and sad Yunlan alone in the room .

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