Past - 10

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Wei came at Zhao Mansion for dinner . Mr . Zhao Xinchi quickly went infront of Wei and worriedly said ..... " Son , why had not you visited us for one week ? Did Yunlan did something to you or had a fight with you ? Please tell me Wei , I will scold him to hurt you . But please don't stop visiting me or Yunlan . I was worried sick for you . But now you has come so I am really very happy . " And hugged Wei tightly and kissed him on the cheeks .

Wei smiled at Zhao Xinchi and said ......" No Uncle ..... Yunlan had done nothing . I was busy with my work . So I couldn't visit you or Yunlan last week . So don't worry about me Uncle . See , I am fit and fine . "

Mr . Zhao Xinchi called Yunlan ....." Yunlan come downstairs , Wei has come for the dinner . It's dinner time . "

Yunlan came at the dining room and sat beside Wei . While they were eating dinner , Yunlan said to Wei ..... " Meet me at my room after the dinner . I want to talk with you about something . "

After the dinner , Wei went to Yunlan's room . Yunlan said to Wei ..... " Sit down Wei . Here take some tea to drink . Now I will ask you something . Please answer to me truthfully without any lies . "

Wei replied ...... " Okay tell me what do you want to know from me , Yunlan ? "

( Yunlan saying all things thinking about XXC MAFIA CLAN ' S Incident ) .
Yunlan started to saying ...... " Wei , you should know you can't keep anything hiding from me ? Though I didn't want to ask you ? But I can't help it . Wei tell me , what do you take me for ? How long are you going to hide it from me ? But I had already found about it , now I want to know about the truth from your mouth too . Now tell me quickly . "

Wei thought ...... " Is Yunlan found out my love for him ? What should I do now ? Should I tell him the truth . Yes , I should it's not I am forcing him to love me . He wants to know the truth from my mouth so I am telling about it . It's true that I love him for so long , so now as he wants me to tell about it , I should tell him the truth . "

Wei directly looked at Yunlan and said ...... " Yes , I love you Yunlan . I love you from high school days . "

Yunlan surprisingly looked at Wei and said ...... " What !? What are you saying Wei ? You ..... you .... loves !?

Wei said ...... " I didn't tell you earlier as I thought you would feel pressurized . "

Yunlan looked at Wei and said ...... " You love me , Wei ? What are you telling , Wei ? Do you have any idea , what are you telling ? Remember one thing we are friends . "


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Wei sadly looked at Yunlan and said ..... " Yes .....yes.....we are friends . And we will always be friends . This fact will never change . You wanted me to tell the truth so I had tell you about the truth . Now I am leaving . " And returned to Shen Mansion .

Yunlan sleep on his bed and started to thinking ....... " What Wei loves me ? He loves me !? How can that great Shen Wei falls in love with someone like me ? But if he is telling the truth then he really loves me ?  Oh ...God .... this Wei really a problem for me . Of he really loves me , should I accept his love ? How it really feels when someone really falls in love ?  Now I have to think so much for him . " And fell asleep .

Next day ,

Yunlan started to follow Shen Wei secretly from the behind . He rode on his bike and followed Wei upto the school . He stood infront of the school gate and kept waiting for Wei . While closing time Wei was walking with the another lady teacher of the school . Yunlan felt jealous inside his heart .

On the other hand , Ms . Zhang had came to Wei for some suggestions . She asked....." Laoshi Shen , can you tell me what do you think about love ? I have fallen in love but I can't understand if it is real love or just a crush ? "

Wei touched his spectacles and said ....." I don't know about love . But if you really want to ask me then being a biology teacher I can tell you that maybe in three days or maybe in three years dopamine and norepinephrine will stop being secreting   maybe then you won't feel any affection towards him anymore . "

Wei then smiled at Ms . Zhang and said......" So I am going home , Ms . Zhang . Have a nice day . " And went away .

Yunlan saw Wei was talking with that woman though he couldn't hear their talking . Yunlan went from there to the club and sat on his favorite sofa  . And started to thinking ......." Why I am feeling miserable to see Wei with another woman ? Is not that I hate Wei ? I also used to feel jealous whenever Wei used to spend  more time with Yezun  , Da Qing or any other else but I thought that I am feeling jealous  as my friends are spending less time with me but today after seeing Wei with another woman     I realised that I feel jealous whenever I see Wei with another person except me . Though I am jealous with Wei as he is best in everything than me , but I secretly  like when Wei still gives me attention though I avoided him everytime he cares about me . Now I feel like I had also fallen in love with my Wei . 

Yunlan then returned to his favourite club and send Da Qing to investigate about the relationship of that woman with Shen Wei  .

Da Qing returned after one an hour and said ..... " Yunlan , that woman don't has any relationship with Young Master Shen Wei . "

Yunlan irritatedly said ....... " If two of them don't has any relationship between them , then why  and about what  , Wei was talking with her in the school ? " 

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