Past - 17

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Wei can't believe what just happened . He took his gun and showered rain of bullets on the right hand of RXC Mafia Clan ' s boss who had shot  Yunlan almost near the heart .  Wei then hold Yunlan into his embrace and said ..... " Don't worry Yunlan ,  nothing will happen to you . " Wei then picked Yunlan  by  his hands and took him to the car . Wei put Yunlan near the driver's seat and himself sat on the driver's seat and drove towards the hospital . 

Da Qing and Chu just can't believe what had happened just now and looked at each other and said ..... " What will we tell to our Old Master Zhao Xinchi now  !? "

Wei was crying heavily during the whole drive . Wei also forgot about the pain near his shoulder due to the gunshot few minutes earlier . He is only focussing on senseless Yunlan and Yunlan ' s bleeding chest . Wei reached at the hospital and quickly carried Yunlan towards the operation room . Wei placed Yunlan on the operation bed and then went to the room of  cardio - surgeon and said to him ...... " Doctor quickly help my lover . He is shot at almost near the heart . He is bleeding profusely . Please help him doctor . Please help him . "

That cardio - surgeon   said ........ "  Okay ... okay .... Mister ...... I will help you .... But it's a police case . We has to inform about it to police first then I can do something if police agrees . "

Wei went infront of the Doctor and said in his ear ...... " Help my lover quickly now . I am the Boss of Shen Mafia Clan Shen Wei . "

Doctor felt a cold shiver  ran down his spinal cord to hear the voice of one and only Boss of Shen Mafia Clan Shen Wei and said ..... " Okay .... okay... let's go .  Nurse .... prepared for  the operation now ..... quick . "

Doctor first cleared the bullet wound near the heart and then operated out the bullet  from the wound . During the operation , Doctor noticed something unusual with Yunlan ' s heart . Operation was successful but the Doctor was not fully satisfied with the operation . Doctor said ......" Nurse..... shift the patient to the normal ward and keep checking him from time to time and keep reporting me about the patient . " 

Doctor came out from the operation room . Wei ran towards the doctor looking like a crying mess and asked ....... " How is my Yunlan , doctor ? "

Doctor hold Wei ' s hand and said ..... " Mr . Shen control yourself , I had taken out the bullet from the patient and he is safe for now ,  but .... but ..... I have also found something else about the patient . "

Wei looked at the doctor and impatiently said ....... " What ! What ? What have you found , doctor ? "

Doctor said ....... "  I have found out that the patient is suffering from the third stage of   Coronary Heart Disease  . But due to the firing  we need to  do the heart transplant to the patient within recent times or he will die soon .   In Coronary Heart Disease , coronary arteries narrows down for which   flowing of blood to the heart becomes limited and due to bullet , it had became more dangerous for the patient . So we need a heart donar for the patient as soon as possible .  "

Wei looked at the doctor and said ...... "  Doctor are you hundred percent sure that if we do the  heart transplant Yunlan will be okay . "

" See Mr . Shen we all know that heart transplant  is risky . It may causes infection in the patient . Patient may also bleed during or after the surgery .  It may also causes breathing problems  . It may also forms blood clotting that can cause heart attack , strokes or lungs problems . And the most dangerous if failure of donar ' s heart occurs . I know Mr . Shen their are many risks in the heart transplant method but we need to do this or the chance of  survival of  the patient will soon be limited for the patient   and one more thing Coronary Heart Disease has no cure . "........ said the doctor and left Wei standing there .

Wei was standing like a statue when Mr. Zhao Xinchi , his wife , Da Qing and Chu came to the hospital . Mr . Zhao went infront of Wei and shook him by the shoulder , bringing him out of the haze and said ....... " Wei , how is Yunlan now ? "

Wei looked at Mr . Zhao and said ...... " Uncle , doctor had took out the bullet but he had said something that we can't imagine .  "

Mr . Zhao and Mrs . Zhao said ...... " What had the doctor told that we can't imagine . Is Yunlan in coma or he has got amnesia ?   "

Wei hold  Mr . And Mrs . Zhao hands and said ........ "  Yunlan had diagnosed with Coronary Heart  Disease . And die to the firing  it has became for fatal for Yunlan , so we has to found a heart donar and do heart transplant  as soon as possible in order to save Yunlan even though transplanting heart is risky . "


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Mr . Zhao hugged Wei tightly and said ....... " Don't worry Wei . Yunlan will be alright . I know my son will soon become fit and fine and will marry with you . We will do everything to make him well . Let's try to find a suitable donar as soon as possible and do the heart transplant of Yunlan . " and wiped away the tears from Wei ' s eyes .

Wei felt some confidence to hear Mr . Zhao ' s words and said ...... " Yes uncle , you are right , my Yunlan will get well soon and we will get married after that as soon as possible . Now I am going to see Yunlan  . "

Wei then entered into the  VVIP ward and saw Yunlan was sleeping peacefully . Wei asked the nurse ..... " When will be my Yunlan wake up from the sleep ? "

The nurse said ...... " Sir , patient will wake  up soon , please don't worry . " And went out from the room .

Wei took the hand of sleeping Yunlan and said ...... " Yunlan don't worry you will get well very soon . Me and uncle will find a suitable heart donar for you as soon as possible . " And kissed on Yunlan's both of the cheeks and on the forehead . Wei kept talking with Yunlan for hours and felt asleep  near Yunlan ' s bed  while talking due to his tiredness .

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