Past - 16

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At night  , Wei and Yunlan  were planning for the mission in the RXC Mafia Clan ' s secret base .  Yunlan said to all the members of Zhao Mafia Clan ' s ....... " Da Qing , you will lead all the members and will  secretly attacked them from the behind . If any serious problems arrives then pressed on the button in your ring and me and Wei will arrive at the fighting spot immediately . Now go there with all the members   . "

Da Qing energetically replied ..... " Yes.... Boss....we are going to attack them . "

Da Qing then explained the whole plan to all of the member of Zhao Mafia Clan ' s  . Da Qing said ...... " All of you always  keep aware of your surroundings and don't fall in their any traps . And if any important problems arrives shoot them on the spot , don't wait for my order .  Understand and now go to  ....attack......  Go ..... "

Wei  '  s most trusted  right hand man , Chu came infront of Wei and asked ..... " Sir , what is your command for us ? "

Wei just smiled and put his hand on Chu ' s shoulder and said ..... " Chu , I know you know your job very well . I have full confidence on you . So I don't need to give any commands to you . Just remember one thing , if anything happens you too also pressed the button on your ring and me and Yunlan will arrive there secret base immediately . First all the members of Zhao and Shen Mafia Clan will attack at their secret base , then after finishing most of their men , me and Yunlan will also join you  all to attack their Boss . Now go .... "

Chu replied with admiring look in his eyes at Wei and said ..... " Thank you Boss , for keeping your so much faith in me . I feel like even if I die today I will not have any regrets in my life . I am really very glad to be your me , Mr . Shen . " And salute at Wei .

Wei hugged Chu tight and said ..... " Don't say such things , Chu . You are not going to die today . Nothing will happen to you . And remember one thing  , your not only my most trusted man but also my best friend .  Now go and return successful .  "

Yunlan and Wei then went to Mr . Zhao ' s room .  Wei  said ...... "  Uncle , we are going for the mission  . "

Mr . Zhao pulled Wei and Yunlan into his embrace and and said ..... " I know you two will definitely succeed in this mission .  " And kissed on their forehead . 

Yunlan and Wei then went to their room to get dressed for their mission . Wei wore his brown leather jacket  , black  jeans , brown boots and his black mask .  Yunlan wore his normal dress . Wei kept a knife inside the secret spot in his brown boots . Yunlan kept a special type of small knife inside his shirt collar . Then both of them looked at each other , Yunlan said ..... " You know Wei ? I always used to fight recklessly without thinking about anything but for the first time today I am afraid what will happen if I died ? "

Wei quickly put his hand on Yunlan's mouth and said ..... " Don't say bad things now . I am confident that we will succeed in the mission and will return to our house in one piece . So let's go and conquer the world . " And kissed Yunlan passionately on the lips .

In the mission ,

Da Qing and all the members of Zhao Mafia Clan attacked on the members of RXC Mafia Clan . All of the members of Zhao Mafia Clan and RXC Mafia Clan were fighting  with each other  . One of the member was going to attacked from behind but Da Qing was quick and looked back hold that RXC member ' s hand and broke it with one force and throw him . One the other hand , Chu and other members of Shen Mafia Clan were attacking the other members of RXC Mafia Clan near their store room and were checking the boxes of different weapons ...knives  , small guns , machine guns , grenades  and bombs .

When most of the members of RXC Mafia Clan were finished by the members of Zhao and Shen Mafia Clan . Wei and Yunlan came at the RXC Mafia Clan ' s secret base to attack the Boss of RXC Mafia Clan .

Wei and Yunlan came infront of the RXC ' s Mafia Clan ' s  Boss and his most trusted men . Wei started to fighting with the left hand man and Yunlan started to fighting with the right hand man . Wei punched and kicked him hard and then shoot him on the forehead . Yunlan directly shoot the right hand man near the shoulder and went to catch the Boss . RXC Clan ' s Boss  and Yunlan started to  fighting  with each other but somehow RXC  Clan Boss managed to  kicked Yunlan at the leg and started to running towards the exit. 

Then Boss of RXC Mafia Clan were going to secretly ran away from the base when Wei held him  and punched him hard on the face and said ...... " We had already talked with you , to give us the box of weapons but you betrayed us and  gave that box to other Mafia Clan . " And again punched on the face of RXC Mafia Clan ' s Boss . Wei said ..... "  You should have think about thousand times before betraying Shen and Zhao Mafia Clan . Now one one can save you from us . " Yunlan looked at Wei and that RXC Mafia Clan ' s Boss and said ...... " Wei , you give too much time before killing anyone . Just shoot and killed him already . "

Wei looked at Yunlan and said ..... " I just want anyone to know the reason for killing them before they die . Wei  then directly shot at RXC Mafia Clan ' s Boss on the head and he died on spot .

The right hand man whom Yunlan shot near the shoulder came infront of them and suddenly shot at Wei and Yunlan before both of them could done anything . But the bullet only passed through Wei ' s shoulder whereas Yunlan got shot almost in   the heart and fell on the ground .

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