Present - 25

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Jing Ran returned to the hotel . He was sitting in the bed and thinking about today's day . He thought  holding the photo of Dr . Zhang Yuan ..... " Finally I have fully lose you Yuan . I have lose you my sweetheart . I had thought I would fool me myself by keeping Zhao Yunlan to me . But when I saw Yunlan today after the hypno process I didn't got that same charm , same behavior and same feelings from Zhao Yunlan anymore for what I had fell in love with Zhao Yunlan . I think he really had came over from the heart obsession of me . Now he truly and fully belongs to Mr . Shen Wei , what he used to be before , before the heart transplant surgery . So I had left them to be together cause Yunlan whom I had fell on love with is changed . He is no more my Yunlan whom I got the feeling of ......   my boyfriend ..... my Yuanyuan . "

Jing Ran then asked ..... " Tell me Yuanyuan , did I done the right thing ? I know you will be proud of me to not tear them apart due to my selfishness of keeping Yunlan myself to fool myself that my Yuanyuan is near me . Today I am feeling like I had lose  my boyfriend once more by losing my Yunlan . But when I saw the real love in Mr . Shen Wei ' s eyes for Zhao Yunlan , I decided to not tear them apart . Now I realised I was just thinking Mr . Shen Wei as evil what e is not . I think Yunlan had truly said that Mr . Shen Wei is really an angel under his cold apperance who can do anything for his Yunlan . "

As Jing Ran had promised Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei that he will returned back to Italy within one week . So he booked flight to Italy on Sunday by his laptop . Then Jing Ran fell asleep holding Dr . Zhang Yuan photo in his hold .

After one week ,

Jing Ran completed his packing last night . Today he is returning back to Italy . Jing Ran thought ...... " Yuanyuan , today I am returning back to Italy . As I promised to you , Yuanyuan I will start to live my life newly again . I will also try to move on . I just hope I will really found someone as you said to me who will love me as you used to love me .  But remember Yuanyuan I will never forget you in my life . "

Jing Ran then booked a cab and went towards the airport .  Jing Ran entered into the airport and went inside a cafe . Jing Ran was coming out from the cafe  with a coffee cup in his hand when suddenly a man entered into the cafe and ran  into   Jing Ran spilling coffee all over Jing Ran ' s suit . That man looked at Jing Ran and said .... " I am so sorry Mister . Here I have a new suit with me , I want to give it to you for my mistake . "

Jing Ran said ..... " It's okay . I don't have time to argue about this matter now  . I have to catch the flight now to Italy . "

That man said .... " What a pleasant surprise ! I am going to Italy too . Hope we can be friends there . Sorry I forgot to introduce myself , myself Luo Fei , Detective ,  going to Italy to investigate a case . "

Jing Ran said ..... " Myself ... Jing Ran , architect . Going back to Italy at my house . Hope too we can be friends . Let's catch our flight together or if we keep talking like that I believe we will miss our flight and has to live in China forever .... Hahaha.... "

               LUO FEI AND JING RAN                              

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               LUO FEI AND JING RAN

Mr . Luo Fei said ..... " Yes .... You are right .... Hahaha .... We both are so funny ..... I think it is going to be a long journey ..... " And winked at Jing Ran .

In Shen Mansion ,

Yunlan came at Shen Mansion to meet with his beloved . Wei was showering in his bathroom when Yunlan entered into his room . Yunlan was sitting for Wei sitting on the bed .

Wei came out from the bathroom wearing a towel only and his hair and skin was drenched with water .  Yunlan looked at Wei unblinkly  and started to drooling over Wei  . Wei smiled and came in front of Yunlan  and said holding Yunlan ' s face with his hands and said looking directly into Yunlan's eyes ...... " Like what you see ? "

Yunlan looked at Wei and said ...... "  Not only like it , love it what I am seeing right now . "

Wei pulled Yunlan for a passionate kissing . After few minutes of kissing , Wei said ..... " So Babe , why are you here ? "

Wei then went infront of his closest and started to wearing his clothes  . Yunlan smiled and back hugged Wei and said ...... " I have come to take you out for some  shopping  . "

Wei then looked around at Yunlan and said ..... " Darling please close your eyes . " Yunlan done what Wei said to him .

Wei then pulled out a ring box from his closest and kneeled down  in one knee infront of Yunlan and said ...... " Darling open your eyes . "

Yunlan opened his eyes and started to crying happily looking at Wei infront of him holding a  diamond and sapphire studded platinum ring .

Wei said ..... "  My love .... My cutie pie .... Will you marry me ? Will you makes me the happiest person in the whole world ? Will you finally fulfill my  wish ?  "

Yunlan said ..... " Yes .... Yes .... I will marry you .... I will make you the happiest person in the whole world and fulfill your  wish.   "  And happily smiled at Wei .

Wei then pulled Yunlan into a tight hug and kissed him on the forehead and then passionately on the lips .

Wei then said to Yunlan ...... " I know Yunlan I am not so romantic person but I am thankful to you for accepting me as your life partner for rest of your life . "

Yunlan smiled and said ..... " My Weiwei , don't say like that for me you are the most romantic person in this world who can do anything for me , bearing every pain and  miseries  alone without any complain . I love you Weiwei . "

Wei kissed on Yunlan's forehead and said ..... " I love you too my Yunlan . "

Wei then added .... " Now we are not going for some shopping , now  we will go for our wedding shopping . " and  happily  smiled at Yunlan making Yunlan blushed on his words . 


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