Present - 8

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Wei was sleeping in middle of the night  . But Yunlan can't sleep . If precisely  to be said sleep was not coming to Yunlan .  Yunlan was thinking about the incident today in the coffee cafe . He was thinking about the confession of Jing Ran to him . He is thinking about Jing Ran ' s words that he likes .....  loves Yunlan . Do Jing Ran really likes him ? Do Jing Ran really loves him ? But do not Jing Ran knows that Yunlan already has a boyfriend ? Then how could Jing Ran confess to him that Jing Ran likes him ? More precisely Jing Ran loves him ? How could he do this ?

Yunlan was spacing out thinking about the incident . Wei stirred  in his sleep . He searched for Yunlan beside him on the bed but can't find him . Wei slowly opened his sleepy eyes and saw Yunlan sitting on the bed  in the middle of the night . Wei pulled Yunlan ' s hand bringing Yunlan back to the reality from his ocean of thoughts . Wei said ..... " Yunlan , why are you not sleeping ? Are you feeling any pain in your heart ? What happened Yunlan ? "

Yunlan smiled and said ...... " Wei , how many times I have to tell you ? My heart is perfectly okay now . I don't feel any pain in my heart anymore . I am just thinking about some problems  in our gang . You don't has to worry about this things . I will handle on my own . You , Weiwei just sleep , you have to go to school tomorrow . Don't think about this anymore . I am just going to sleep . "

Wei pulled Yunlan near his lips and kiss Yunlan on the forehead and cheeks and said ..... " Are you sure I don't have to worry about this  ? You can handle on your own ? "

Yunlan smiled and said .... " Yeah .... Yeah ... I am sure . Just you continue your sleep , my Weiwei . "

Wei smiled happily and again went to sleep . Yunlan looked at Wei and thought....... " It is better if I don't visit or talk with Jing Ran for few days . " And finally fell asleep thinking about Jing Ran and his current status of relationship . "

Next morning ,

Wei woke up from his sleep early in the morning . He brushed his teeth , took his shower and quickly wore his clothes . Then Wei kissed Yunlan on the forehead and cheeks . Then has his breakfast with Mr. and Mrs . Zhao and went to his school .

                            SHEN WEI

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                            SHEN WEI

From today Yunlan had decided he will not meet with Jing Ran anymore. Though he is feeling sad deep inside his heart to not  to meet with Jing Ran . But he really wants to distance himself from Jing Ran . He also stated to avoiding calls from Jing Ran .

Jing Ran also started to feeling sad and irritated that Yunlan is not receiving his calls . He can't control himself to go and meet with Yunlan , right now at the moment . But he controlled himself now as he don't want Yunlan to got angry on him showing his eagerness . Jing Ran thought ..... "Yunlan just need some time . "

After 1 week ,

Jing Ran can't stop himself from thinking  about Yunlan . Jing Ran said to Zhang Yuan ' s photo ...... " Zhang Yuan , I can feel you from Yunlan  . So I am going to meet Yunlan today . Please forgive me and let me fool myself by keeping Yunlan to myself . "

Jing Ran dialled Yunlan's number but he is not receiving Jing Ran ' s calls . Jing Ran then decided he will visit Yunlan today at the Zhao Mansion .

Jing Ran went to the Zhao Mansion and knocked on the door . Mrs . Zhao welcomed him and asked ..... " You are ? "

Jing Ran quickly replied ..... " I am Jing Ran , friend of Zhao Yunlan . I came to meet with him . "

Mrs . Zhao felt confused but still allows Jing Ran to go to Yunlan ' s room . She thought ..... " When did Yunlan found another friend other than Da Qing ? " and went to her room . 

Jing Ran came infront of Yunlan ' s room and knocked on the door . From inside Yunlan said ..... " Come inside , the door is already open . "

Jing Ran entered into   Yunlan's room and said ..... " It's me , Yunlan . How are you ? Why are you avoiding me since last week ?  "

Yunlan got flabbergasted to see Jing Ran in his room and said .... " Why have you come to my house ? Who allows you to visit in my room ? " 

Jing Ran said .... " I just said to your Mom that I am your friend and she let me came to your room . Now tell me why are you avoiding me ? "

Yunlan sadly said ..... " I didn't avoiding you   , Ran  . I was just busy since last week . If I really has time I would had really visited you . "

Jing Ran just smiled and said .... " Okay I believe you . Here , I brought you some foods . "

Yunlan opened the food box and saw his favorite steamed momos . He quickly started to eat those and said while eating ...... " Ran , how do you know that steamed momos are my favourites ? "

Jing Ran thought inside his mind ..... "How could I not know it ? It was favorite back then . " But only smiled infront of Yunlan .

                           JING RAN

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                           JING RAN

Jing Ran then sat infront of Yunlan and asked .... " So what do you think about us ? What do you think about my confession last week ? Do you also like me ? Do you also love me ? Please answer me Yunlan ? Please answer me ? "

Yunlan stopped his eating and said ..... " I don't know Jing Ran . I don't know . I really love my boyfriend Shen Wei . But I don't know why ? Whenever I see you or your smile , my heart started to beating fastly .  If I ever not get to see you or talk with you , I feel like my heart is sad .  But I really .... really love my boyfriend very much . I am so confused right now ? "

Jing Ran just looked at Yunlan and suddenly picked out a diamond ring infront of Yunlan and said ...... " Marry me , Yunlan ? "

Yunlan said ..... "  What are you saying , Ran ? What are you saying ? I .... I ....  don't know , Ran ,  I don't know  what to say to you ?   "

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