Present - 20

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Wei  then looked at Dr . Sang and asked .... " Are you sure doctor that there is no problem in the donar ' s heart ? For what my Yunlan is feeling pain in the chest ? Difficulty in breathing ? And my Yunlan is frequently passing out ? Are you sure ? Dr . Sang ? "

Dr . Sang .... " I am hundred percent sure Mr . Shen . Donar heart has no problems . As I said earlier I had done all tests to check the symptoms and there is no problem with the donar ' s heart . There must be something else ...... Must be something else . Or it is not possible for the patient to show sudden symptoms of donar heart rejection in the patient after one year and six months of the heart transplant surgery !? "

Dr  . Sang  looked at Shen Wei  and said ........ " I think there is no problem with the donar ' s heart . I think .... I think.... I am not fully confident about it .... But I think .... Maybe some things or someone has triggered something in the patient heart so he is showing sudden symptoms of donar ' s heart rejection . Maybe it is connected with the donar ' s heart memories . That is why your boyfriend is feeling sudden pain in his heart ? Do you know about the heart donar ? I mean something  about him ?  "

Wei innocently looked at Wei and said ... " No I don't . I just know the heart donar was the cardio surgeon of this  Dragon City Hospital named Dr . Zhang Yuan . He was died in the car accident while returning to his house . That is it , what Dr . Ling Jing had said to me that time of the heart transplant surgery . And one more thing he was an orphan and had a boyfriend who lives in foreign country . "

Wei then suddenly remembered something and asked to Dr . Sang ..... " If law permits you to tell  me about Dr . Zhang Yuan , can you please tell me in which country his boyfriend used to live ? " 

Dr . Sang said ..... " Yes .... Yes .... Sure I can tell you . It is not that it is a huge secret . Everyone knows here . Dr . Zhang Yuan ' s boyfriend used to live in Italy . "

Wei thought .... "  Dr . Zhang Yuan ' s  boyfriend used to lives in Italy . So it means .... it means .... It can't be true .... Mr . Jing Ran also used to live at Italy .... It can't be true .... Is it is true ? Is Mr.   Jing Ran is Dr . Zhang Yuan ' s boyfriend ?  "

Wei immediately asked to Dr . Sang ..... " Is the name of Dr . Zhang Yuan ' s boyfriend is Mr . Jing Ran ? Is he is a Chinese based Italian architect ? "

Dr . Sang said .... " Yes .... Exactly .... You are right . His boyfriend name was Mr . Jing Ran . He is an architect . "

Flashback ,

Wei remembered all the words Yunlan said to him . Wei thought .... " Wei ... My Weiwei .... I don't know why but whenever Jing Ran is near me I feel like my heart is pushing me towards him . I want to see his face... I want to see his smile .... I don't know why , it is happening to me ? Though deep down in my heart I know that I only love my Weiwei.... Only my Weiwei . And no one else . "

Flashback ends .

Wei thought .... " So it is crystal clear that Mr . Jing Ran is the cause why my Yunlan is suffering ? Why my Yunlan is showing symptoms of donar ' s heart rejection ? "

Wei then asked to Dr . Sang .... " So Dr . Sang , what should I do now ? You are right . I had found that someone why my Yunlan is suffering so much ? "

Suddenly that best friend of Wei entered into the doctor ' s room and said .... " Dr . Sang , why were you calling me one hour ago ? "

Hearing the voice , Wei turned his face towards his best friend and said .... " Luo Fusheng .... What are you doing here ? "

Luo Fusheng smiled at Wei and said .... " Kitty  .... Did you forget that I am a doctor . And for your kind information , now  I am  working  in  the Dragon City Hospital .  "


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                 DR . LUO FUSHENG

Luo Fusheng then came infront of Wei and asked .... " What happened Wei ? Why are you crying ? "

Wei hugged Luo Fusheng tightly and said ....  " Fusheng .... Fusheng .... Help me .... Please help me .... Please bring my Yunlan back to me .... Please Fusheng please .... " And started to crying heavily on Fusheng ' s shoulders .

Fusheng pulled away from the hug and bring Wei ' s face infront of him , hold Wei  ' s face and wiped away tears from Wei ' s cute doer eyes and said .....  " Wei .... Wei.... My Weiwei ... My kitty  Please stop crying from your beautiful doer eyes ... I can't see tears in your eyes ....  Now tell me what happened ? Why are you crying heavily ? " And pulled Wei to sit on a couch with him .

Wei blinked his doer eyes for few seconds and started to saying .... " My boyfriend Zhao Yunlan had a heart transplant surgery one year and six months ago . He was perfectly fit till now .  But suddenly from one week he is suffering from pain in the chest , breathing difficulties and he is frequently passing out . And the doctor said donar heart is perfectly fine still my Yunlan is showing signs of donar ' s heart rejection . And I think it is because of donar ' s boyfriend Mr . Jing Ran . So please Fusheng ... Please help me .... Please bring my Yunlan back to me . I don't want my Yunlan in Jing Ran ' s hand cause Yunlan had told me clearly that he only loves me ... Only me .... He don't has any feelings for Mr . Jing Ran . "

Luo Fusheng listened to all the words of Shen Wei . Then Luo Fusheng said .... " Okay I clearly understood the whole situation . You love your boyfriend . Your boyfriend also loves you back . But due to the memories of donar ' s heart your boyfriend is feeling attached with that donar ' s boyfriend Jing Ran . Everything is clear to me . And I know what I have to do . "

Wei hold Luo Fusheng ' s both of the hands tightly and said .... " Really ... Fusheng .... Really ? You can do it ? You can bring my Yunlan back to me fully ? "

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