Present - 19

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Dr . Sang then hold Wei by shoulders and said .... " Mr . ? "

Wei said .... " Myself Shen Wei . "

Dr . Sang said ..... " Mr . Shen , please control yourself . I will try my best to make your boyfriend return back to you as soon as possible . Now give me his case history file of patient ' s heart . "

Wei questioningly looked at Dr . Sang and said ..... " Dr . .... Dr .  .... I had rushed to the hospital as soon as possible and I had forgotten to bring the case history file of Yunlan with me . What will I do now ? Can you please start the checking of my boyfriend ? I will call Yunlan ' s parents to bring the case history file as soon as possible in the hospital  . "

Wei quickly put out the phone from his pocket and dialed Mr . Zhao ' s number . Mr . Zhao immediately recieved the phone call and anxiously said ..... "  What happened Wei ? " "

Wei said .... " Uncle .... Yunlan was suddenly feeling pain in the chest , breathing problems and running a high fever . Uncle as I came immediately to  the hospital , I had forgotten to bring the case history file of Yunlan . Can you please bring the case history file immediately to the hospital soon as possible ? "

Mr . Zhao said ..... " Yes.... Yes .... Why not ? .... I am coming quickly to the hospital with Yunlan ' s case history file . " And cut the call .

Dr . Sang then went infront of Yunlan who was laying on the streacher . He started to check Yunlan .

After checking Dr . Sang said .... " I see , the patient is having heavy pain in the chest  , difficulty in breathing . And also running down from heavy fever . "

Then Dr . Sang went infront of Wei and said ..... " Now tell me when did the patient had his heart transplantation ? "

Wei said ...... " One year six months earlier . "

Dr . Sang asked ..... " Is the patient has felt any pain in the heart within these one year six months after the heart transplantation operation ? "

Wei quickly said ..... " No ... No .... Yunlan didn't . All was alright . He had became fully fit too . But don't know what happened in this evening he started to feeling heavy pain in the heart , breathing difficulties and running from high fever ? "

Dr . Sang said ..... " Okay I got it . I don't know what is happening ? Let me run some tests then I will inform you . Now I feel like the patient is almost okay  . You can take him back to home next day  . If any difficulties arises again , you immediately bring the patient back to the hospital . "

Mr . Zhao and Mrs . Zhao came to the hospital with Chu . They entered into Dr . Sang ' s room and quickly went infront of Wei and said ..... " Here.... Wei ... Here .... The case history file of Yunlan . "

Wei quickly took the file from Mrs . Zhao ' s hand and gave the case history file to Dr . Sang .

Next day , after Yunlan was feeling better , Wei , Mr . Zhao and Mrs . Zhao brought Yunlan back to the Zhao Mansion . Wei put Yunlan on the bed and said .... " Don't worry my love .... You will be alright soon . Then we will get married quickly . " And kissed on Yunlan's forehead and cheeks and said..... " Now quickly fall  asleep , you will feel better . "

After one week,

Wei came back to Zhao Mansion after his school in the evening . Wei went infront of Yunlan and kissed him on the forehead and asked ..... " I heard you had  again passed out in the noon ? What happened ? Are you feeling okay now ? Do you feeling any kind of pain in your heart or having any breathing problems again ? Tell me Yunlan ..... Tell me clearly .... Don't hide anything from me , my love . " 


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Yunlan smiled at Wei and said ..... " I am fine my Weiwei . Don't worry . It is true that I had passed out in the noon . But look at me .... My Weiwei ..... I am perfectly fine now . I sometimes feel pain in heart and breathing problems too but I am okay now . " And pulled Wei for a hug and kissed on Wei ' s both of the cheeks .

Wei said ... " Okay .... Yunlan .... I believe you .... Still I will tomorrow visit at Dragon City Hospital and talk with the doctor about your health . Okay my love ? Now let me freshen up . Then I will bring the food for you and feed you  by myself  . " Then Wei went to the bathroom to freshen up  .

After freshen up , Wei brought his and Yunlan ' s dinner to Yunlan ' s room and had their dinner . Wei fed Yunlan the dinner .

After dinner Yunlan and Wei fell asleep cuddling with each other . Wei said to himself .... " I will cure Yunlan no matter what . "

Next day ,

Wei visited Dragon City Hospital . Wei went to Dr . Sang ' s room .

Dr . Sang welcomed Wei and said .... " What happened Mr . Shen ? Why are you here ? "

Wei sat infront of Dr . Sang and said .... " Dr . Sang .... Yunlan is feeling pain in the chest again .... He is also having difficulty in breathing ..... Recently he is also passing out suddenly . What do you think doctor ? What happened to my Yunlan ? Is there any problem in the donar ' s heart ? Is  that why my Yunlan is suffering so much ? "

Dr . Sang looked at Wei and said .... " Mr . Sang ... I had checked all the case  history file of Yunlan and also checked Yunlan and ran tests on him . I don't think there is any problem with the donar ' s heart . There must be something else ? "

Wei questioningly looked at Dr . Sang and said .... " Yes .... Doctor .... Yunlan was not feeling any pain after the heart transplant surgery  . For this last one year six months .... Yunlan was fit and fine ... But suddenly for one week he is feeling that ? What could be it causes ? "

Dr . Sang said .... " What I am thinking ... If I honestly tell you .... I am feeling like the patient is suddenly showing organ rejection . But I don't know why the patient is showing the organ rejection now .... after one year six months of the heart transplant surgery ? It is really very confusing  ! "

Wei suddenly thought  of  something . 

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