Present - 24

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Luo Fusheng now went infront of Zhao Yunlan and Jing Ran . He again asked to Zhao Yunlan ..... " Zhao Yunlan .... Yunlan ..... Are you feeling any attachment towards Jing Ran ? "

Zhao Yunlan replied ... " No ... I am not . "

Luo Fusheng again asked ..... " So who are you ? What is your name ? "

Zhao Yunlan replied ..... " Dr . Luo Fusheng are you mad or something ? You are calling me Zhao Yunlan and still asking me who I am ? What is my name ? Of course , my name is Zhao Yunlan . I am the Boss of Zhao Mafia Clan . "

Luo Fusheng again asked ..... " Okay ... My fault .... Now tell me whose heart is inside you ? "

Zhao Yunlan said ..... " I know I had a heart transplant one year and six months ago but still I believe this donar heart is now mine . So of course my heart ( donar Dr . Zhang Yuan )  is inside me .

Luo Fusheng again asked .... " Now finally tell me Zhao Yunlan , are you feeling any attachment towards Jing Ran who is sitting beside you ? "

Zhao Yunlan now looked at Jing Ran but don't feel any pull towards Jing Ran anymore . Now no more Zhao Yunlan want to kiss Jing Ran or hug Jing Ran . Zhao Yunlan said to Luo Fusheng ..... " No Dr . Luo Fusheng , I am not feeling any attachment towards Jing Ran anymore . "

Jing Ran then pulled Zhao Yunlan ' s hands and said ..... " Yunlan ..... My Yunlan .... Don't you remember me anymore ? Did you forget about the time we spent together or the kiss we share  with each other ? Look at me Yunlan .... Don't you like me or love me anymore ? "

Zhao  Yunlan coldly looked at Jing Ran and pulled away his hands from Jing Ran ' s hold and said ..... "  Hey mister , don't touch me . I don't like you or love you . Why would I ? Don't you know that I have a boyfriend who loves me and adores me very much . And I love him too .  He is more  handsome and adorable than you  . He is my world and I  am his . And about the love and kiss you are talking about I share with you , I am telling you clearly I was just feeling a pushing towards you by my heart . So I was confused and done those with you . But now I am crystal clear about whom I love and whom I want . So I am requesting you Mr . Jing Ran please don't disturb me or my boyfriend Shen Wei anymore from now onwards . I hope you will understand and leave us alone . "

Jing Ran looked at Zhao Yunlan and said ...... "  So you don't love me . Okay I got it . You are not that Zhao Yunlan I fell in love with . Now you are behaving like someone else . I will leave you alone with your boyfriend Shen Wei . I will never disturb you anymore from now onwards . "

Jing Ran then went infront of Shen Wei . Shen Wei said .... " Mr . Jing Ran , you don't have to do the restoration of our house . We will contact another architect for the half restoration that is left . "

Jing Ran sadly smiled and said ..... " You know what Mr . Shen Wei ? Restoration of your house was already  completed one month ago . But to keep Yunlan by my side I was saying it was not completed .  But now that I had completely losed my Yunlan I am telling you the truth . And one more thing within this week I will returned back to Italy and will not distrub you and your boyfriend anymore . "  And went out from Yunlan's room and returned to the  hotel  .

Luo Fusheng smiled happily at Wei and said ..... " So kitty ... I have successfully completed my promise . Now you can have your boyfriend completely to yourself . "

Shen Wei just pulled Luo Fusheng for a tight hug and said ..... " Thank you so much ....  Fusheng ..... Thank you so much ..... I will never forget about your help in my life . You are truly my best friend . "

Luo Fusheng hold Wei ' s face and said ..... " You don't has to thank me for anything . It is my duty as a doctor and best friend  . I am happy that I could made you smile  for my work . That's all for me . "

Yunlan felt jealous looking at Shen Wei and Luo Fusheng together  and went infront of them and  pulled away Wei from Luo Fusheng and hugged Wei tightly .

Luo Fusheng whispered in Wei ' s ear .... " Have  a lovely moment with your boyfriend . I am going now ... Bye ... See you later .... " Making Wei blushing furiously for his words .

Yunlan feel jealous of Luo Fusheng to make his Wei blushing furiously on his words . Yunlan said to Wei .... " Weiwei .... My Weiwei .... I am so sorry to cause you pain for this last six months because of my confusing heart attachment towards Jing Ran . " And started to crying .

Yunlan thought ..... " Now I can understand you Wei , what had you felt when you had seen me kissing with Jing Ran or spending time with him . Just now only watching Luo Fusheng hugging you makes me feel like I should kill that  Luo Fusheng and never let him comes near you . "

Wei smiled with tears in his eyes and said .... "  It's okay Yunlan ..... Don't cry ... It was not your fault .... It was just the donar ' s heart obsession with Jing Ran . Please don't blame yourself any more  , Yunlan . I know my Yunlan can't never cheats on me . I am happy that now we are together and no one is here to distrub our happy life anymore . "

Wei then wiped Yunlan ' s tears with his hands and pulled Yunlan for a passionate kissing on the lips and said .... " I love you Yunlan . " Yunlan smiled and said ... " I love you too my Weiwei . I love you too ... I love only you my Weiwei  .

Then both of them just stood in the room hugging each other tightly ,  listening to their heartbeats which is now  only beating for each other .... only for each other and for no one else . Only thinking one thing in their mind .... "I love you .... Only you . It's you .  "


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