Chapter 5- One Heartbreak Too Many

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Ally's eyes frantically looked around as she felt her heart rate begin to pick up. She felt dizzy and almost sufficated and slightly lost her balance. What was she supposed to do? Say hi? Keep walking? But how could she keep walking when he was blocking her from moving? Why should she talk to him anyway? She thought. He said he'd never seen her in his life any how. Ally began to take a step forward but Kolin stepped directly infront of her. "Hey," he said. Ally looked him up and down and sneered. He said it so cooly as if nothing had happened earlier this afternoon. She turned around and began to walk the opposite way. She would take the long route if she had too. There was no way in hell she was talking to this jerk. "Ally wait!" He called. She heard his feet treading from behind as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. She shook his hand off her shoulder and veered around. "What." She said shortly. She had never heard herself sound like this before, and she was quite pleased. "Ally, you have no idea how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you like that." Ally rolled her eyes, "Oh please Kolin. Save your breath because you're wasting my good oxygen." Ally heard it begin to thunder and knew she should be half way home by now. "Ally, please, hear me out." He pleaded. "Kolin get out of my way. It's about to start pouring and I have to go home. You already proved who you were when you never showed on fourth of July, okay? It's done. And so is this relationship." Ally began to walk home, but was blocked once again. It started to pour and Ally needed to get home. "KOLIN GET OUT OF MY WAY." Ally was yelling now, and she was mad. "Ally! Please listen to me, okay? Just this one time." Kolin pleaded. Ally was drenched. "Why should I?" she said. "Because you need to listen for once, and if you don't believe me then you can go and we will never speak again." Ally crossed her arms in front of her chest, and motioned for him to continue. "Ally, I have never liked a girl as much as I liked you-" Ally cut him off by laughing. "Oh really? Is that why you never asked me out? Left me hanging at my own party? Good joke Kolin. Good one." Ally said. Kolin continued anyway, "Ally, I was scared okay. I didn't show on the fourth because of my brother. He died the day before at soccer camp. I was heartbroken. I leveled everyone out of my life. I thought you would be so mad, that I just never contacted you again. I never wanted to loose you Ally. I... I love you Ally." Ally lost her breath. What did he just say? He loved her? This is what she always wanted to hear him say. Was he lying? Ally's thought was broken when she heard him speak again. "Ally, I want to be around you all the time. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to cuddle with you and kiss you. I want to have those silly fights over small things and make up later. I want to sit and talk with you about life and dumb things. I want to cook for you and watch your favortie movies. I want to share the best things in life with you. I want you Ally, nobody else. I want you." Ally didn't know how to feel. She was numb all over. She was overcome with joy, happiness, fear, and every other emotion. She had never felt this way about someone either. Ally looked straight into Kolin's piercing blue eyes and ran to him. She smashed her lips into his and moved her hands toward his face. She moved them upward and ran her fingers through his lush, dirty blonde hair. He grabbed her by the waist and picked her up. This moment was almost too good to be true, kissing in the rain as he held her close to him. She pulled away slowly and whispered into his ear, "I love you too Kolin Lewis." 

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