sorry for any mistakes.
Kyaire Omari Davis.
later that night..
—"So them niggas killed Kenzo?" Ro made a face.
"Apparently Tariq set it up, they didn't do the actual shooting, but they fasho was behind it." Jimmy told us.
"They made it seem like it was that one nigga." Rah said and chuckled, "That nigga died for nothing."
"Technically he was the shooter," Saint shrugged, "it was a reason."
"Tariq and Gino just set it up." Ro shook his head.
I couldn't do nothing but laugh. Two years later and I'm finally figuring out who actually was behind my brother's death.
"So now they after us?" Saint chuckled.
"Man fuck these niggas, its time to let these niggas know I'an sparing nobody." I said.
"And thats on Kenzo." Saint nodded.
"Fuck it, time the paint the whole city red if I have to." I leaned back.
"A'ight, I'ma gon' head and head out. I'll call y'all when I find out anything else, and y'all can go from there." Jimmy said, logging out the computer.
"Bet." Ro said.
Once Jimmy left, it was getting late so we decided that we'll just come back tomorrow night and discuss it.
I got into my car and looked at the time, seeing that it was now 1:13 in the morning. I sent Azura a text to let her know that I was on my way. I knew she was a hard sleeper so hopefully she'd hear me call her.
Before I went over there, I wanted to ride pass Tariq spot first. I knew he was over there on 14th street, since that's where we seen him the last time.
Once I got to his spot, I parked and seen him and some other niggas outside chilling with some hoes. Clearly these niggas always on some wild shit.
I sat there deciding if I wanted to say fuck it and kill him now or should I wait. I knew that I could be a hot head sometimes and I didn't want that to be my downfall.
Not too long after I heard a few shots ring off.
Azura Serenity James.
That same night...
—"You sure that was the last time you seen him?" I asked Saint on the phone.
"Yeah, maybe he went home. He said he was tired sis." He assured me.
"Okay." I sighed, "I'll talk to you later then."
"A'ight." He said hanging up.
I looked at the time and it was now going on 3 in the morning. I seen Kyaire text me at 1 saying that he was on his way and he still haven't showed up yet.
Maybe he did change his mind and decided to go home since I didn't text back in time.
I would hope so at least. I'd been up for the last 15 minutes because I had a dream that someone got shot. I couldn't really tell who it was, but something doesn't seem right.
I know that he said he was going to handle business so he was the first one I thought of.